Addition / Subtraction

Jeff stuffed 458 shoes with tissue paper. Dexter stuffed 893 shoes with tissue paper. How many shoes did Jeff and Dexter stuff together?

What is 1,351 shoes?


Ellen bought 6 times as many tickets at the carnival as Ginger. Ginger bought 277 tickets. Kim bought 157 tickets. How many tickets did Ellen, Ginger, and Kim buy altogether?

What is 2,096 tickets?


Rachel has 3,902 bagels. If she puts 8 bagels in each box, how many boxes will she need?

What is 488 boxes?


Greg's bag of sugar has 5 5/8 cups in it. He uses 2 3/8 cups. How much sugar is left in his bag?

What is 3 1/4 cup?


Lynne buys a pair of tennis shoes for $51.49 and 2 pairs of socks for $7.45 each. How much does she spend altogether?

What is $66.39?


Emma spent $6.25 for spaghetti and meatballs, $1.12 for a soda, and $3.75 for a piece of cake. If Emma paid with a $20.00 bill, how much change did she get back?

What is $8.88?


The bookstore sold 59 times as many books as magazines. If the book store sold 88 magazines, how many books did they sell?

What is 5,192 books?


Denise is packaging cookies. She puts 5 cookies in each package. If she has 7,414 cookies, how many packages can she make?

What is 1,482 packages ( with 4 cookies left over)?


Allison measure 1 5/16 teaspoons of salt. She then measures another 1 3/4 teaspoons of salt. How many teaspoons does she measure in all?

What is 3 1/16?


Natalie buys 3 board games for $17.65 each. Marissa buys 4-pairs of socks for $7.45 each. How much more does Natalie spend than Marissa?

What is $23.15?


Mario served 118 meals during dinnertime. Thirty-two customers ordered lasagna. Forty-nine customers ordered spaghetti, and the rest of his customers ordered pizza. How many customers ordered pizza?

What is 37 customers?


Two hundred thirty-nine people bought movie tickets on Friday. On Saturday 8 times more people bought movie tickets. How many people bought movie tickets altogether?

What is 2,151 people?


Carlos has 1,294 cups of frosting. If each cake he frosts uses 2 cups of frosting, how many cakes can he frost?

What is 647 cakes?


Erin buys 2 1/4 pounds of nails. Then, she goes back and buys another 3 1/2 pounds of nails. If nails cost $1.25 a pound, about how much does Erin spend?

What is about $7.50?


Emily orders a Solar Shake for $1.79 and 2 Earth Potatoes for $0.99 each. He gives the cashier $5.00. How much change does he get back?

What is $1.23?


Four hundred sixty-six squirrels live in the forest. If 299 chipmunks also live in the forest, how many squirrels and chipmunks are there altogether?

What is 765 squirrels and chipmunks?


Lisa sold 64 times as many T-shirts as Josie. If Josie sold 74 T-shirts, how many T-shirts did Lisa sell?

What is 4,736 T-shirts?


George bakes 2,120 cinnamon rolls. He puts 4 rolls in each box. If he sells each box for $1.49, how much does he earn?

What is $789.70?


Alan weighs 73 1/3 pounds. Chris weighs 61 1/2 pounds. How much more does Alan weigh than Chris?

What is 11 5/6 pounds?


Denise has 18 coins in her pocket. They are dimes and quarters mixed together. Altogether, she has $3.30. How many of the coins are dimes?

What is 8?


Stacy and Mary run rival CBD Oil shops in Lawrence. Last week, Stacy made $55 less than 3 times what Mary made last week. Together, they made $4,945. How much money did Stacy make last week? 

What is $3,695?


Harry buys a model car kit for $64.98. Then he spends 3 times as much on supplies to build the model car. How much does Harry spend altogether?

What is $259.92?


Lori makes 2,392 chocolate chip cookies and 3,483 oatmeal cookies. If she puts 9 cookies in each container, how many full containers can she make?

What is 652 full containers (with 7 cookies left over)?


Kim has two packages to mail. Her packages weigh 6 1/8 pounds total. If her first package weighs 4 1/2 pounds, how much does her second package weigh?

What is 1 5/8 pounds?


Tim's race car can go 22.93 miles on 1 gallon of gas. How many miles can his race car go on 15.5 gallons of gas?

What is 355.415 miles?
