This is the division symbol.
what is an obelus?
This is the symbol for fractions.
what is a vinculum?
These are the EASIEST operations for fractions.
What is multiplication and division?
This is the expression for three times a number.
what is three n?
This is the place value that decimal numbers start in.
What is the tenths place?
This is the symbol for multiplication.
what is a dimension sign?
This is what a fraction is an indication of.
What is division?
This is the FIRST step in multiplying fractions.
What is just divide straight across?
This is the expression for five less than a number.
what is n minus five?
This is similar to decimals.
What is a fraction?
This is the symbol for addition.
What is a plus sign?
This is the FIRST step in adding fractions.
What is find the least common multiple between the denominators?
These are the steps in dividing fractions.
What is Keep,Change,Flip?
This is the answer to two times thirty-two.
What is sixty-four?
This is used as a way to show decimals.
What is a base-ten block?
This is the symbol for subtraction.
What is a minus sign?
This is the FIRST step in subtracting fractions.
what is find the least common multiple between the denominators?
This is the acronym for dividing fractions.
What is KCF?
This is the number of quarts in a gallon.
What is four quarts?
This is the symbol for a decimal other than 'decimal'.
What is a vinculum?
This is the singular of parentheses.
What is a parenthesis?
This is the answer to three and one-fifth minus one-tenth.
What is three and one-tenth?
This is the last most important step in doing any operation with fractions.
what is simplify your answer?
This is the number of pounds in three tons.
What is six-thousand pounds.
This is the greatest number between 1.11110 and 1.00001.
What is one and one-thousand one-hundred eleven hundred-thousandths?