This band has an iconic guitar riff in it's hit song "Buddy Holly"
What is Weezer?
It has been revealed that by far, this 12-13 year old boy has the biggest forehead ever recorded in human history.
Who is Nick Anthony Noelle?
These are the two ingredients used to make pasta from scratch.
What is flour and water?
This type of spaghetti is the thinnest variety I can think of.
What is Angel Hair pasta?
This video game came out on June 15, 2018 about a group of players trying to find killer(s) among them.
What is Among Us
This organization presumably run by Ann-Marie Sussman sells strange foods such as hamburgers and tacos.
What is the Tamale Stand?
Who is Herobrine?
This is a creature made out of spaghetti and two meat-balls, and has it's own cult attached to it.
What is the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
This video clip is a voice-over of Sonic Adventure 2 where Dr. Eggman makes a speech about his wife cheating on him with Shadow the hedgehog. This video clip is made by which YouTube channel?
Who is SnapCube?
This is the name for a single strand of spaghetti.
What is a spaghetto?