The river that crosses the US and ends up in Sonora
What is Colorado River?
The empire that dominated southern Mexico before the Spaniards arrived
What is the Maya empire?
Number of Mexicans living within Mexico
What is 131M?
The ultimate source of power comes from
Who are the people?
Branch of power where the INE belongs to
What are the OCAs?
The ecosystem where monarch butterflies thrive
What are temperate forests?
The cause that provoked the Reforma
What is the 1st and 2nd Mexican Empire/French invasion?
The US state with the most Mexicans
What is California?
The political spectrum can be explained under the metaphor of an object
What is a pendulum?
The main lake beneath Mexico City
What is Texcoco lake?
What is 4,000 years?
What is 29 years old? (approximate)
Supreme power in electoral matters
What is the Electoral Tribunal/Court?
3 out of 7 principles that guide the INE
What is autonomy, certainty, impartiality, transparency, legality, credibility, or civic participation?
The state where La Danza del Guerrero Kikapú takes place
What is Coahuila?
A state with an economic declining area
What is Veracruz, Guerrero, Michoacán, Chiapas, Tabasco OR Campeche?
The amount of Afro-Mexicans
What is 1%?
The number of federal entities that must approve a constitutional reform
What is 17/32?
Political party that sided with Fox (2000), EPN (2012) and AMLO (2018) to win the presidency
What is PVEM (Partido Verde)?
The sleeping lady mountain
What is Iztaccíhuatl?
The struggle from being colonized, oppressed by an authoritarian figure and overprotected.
What is the Mexican identity crisis?
The 2nd biggest marital classification after married
What is single?
3 out of 5 principles of education sustained in Article 3
What is universal, inclusive, public, free and secular?
Original name of PRI when founded after the 3rd transformation