Which Child is the Favorite?
What Medical Advancement was Created in 2009
(Hint: Gay)
AIDS Vaccine
What is Mom Most Likely to Go to Jail For?
Aggravated Assault
(You may have thought Murder but she would not get caught.)
How Many Ribs Does a Human Skeleton Have?
24 (12 on each side)
What is Ray's Favorite Thing?
Who is the Worst Gamer?
What Famous Actors(esses) Were Born in 1978
Zoe Saldana, Ashton Kutcher, John Legend, Rachel McAdams
When is Mom's Birthday?
January 8th, 1978
How do They Spell "Color" in England?
Who is the Worst Swimmer?
Chooch....definitely not me
Pop-tart or Pie
What Famous Movie Came Out the Year Dad Was Born?
Who is Mom's Bestfriend?
How Many Heart Chambers Does a Cockroach Have?
Which Family Member Would Be Elected to Congress?
(Mom - Too Smart, Dad - Black, Chooch - ...., Ryleigh - ..., Ashlynne - too busy with her defective husband, others - just no.)
Which Family Member is Most Likely to Accidentally Marry a Serial Killer?
Ray or Ryleigh
Historical Event From 1974
President Richard Nixon resigns from office
Why is Mom so Lovely?
She made a deal with Satan
What is the Capital of India?
New Delhi
What is the Worst Kind of Potato?
A Diseased Potato
(All 7 are an option)
What Thing that is Often Used Today was Created the Year Mom was Born?
GPS (Global Positioning System)
What is One of Mom's Favorite Movies?
What are Human Fingernails Made Of?
If One Family Member Had to Be Eaten, Who Would it Be?