Popular Fashion in the 60s
Gardening Hacks
Adulting in the Modern Age
Myths and Legends
Your Mother’s Cooking

The previous decade’s First Lady, who inspired the fashion of this decade. She wore boxy suit-skirts and A-line dresses, and was an important figure who was a first hand eyewitness to a traumatic national crisis.

Who is Jacqueline Kennedy


This combination of plants growing together is called “The Three Sisters“ by the Iroquois and Cherokee. Planting these three plants together is considered companion planting, as each plant aids in part of the growth process.

What are Corn, Beans, and Squash


This is a high school course meant to teach adult skills such as sewing, cooking, and car maintenance. 

What is Home Economics


This creature comes from a Scottish myth of a lake creature that lives in a loch. Blurry photos of the creature have been produced but remain unconfirmed.

What is The Loch Ness Monster


A round fried pastry you might have eaten on a Saturday morning with butter and syrup.

What are Pancakes


This actress worked with Hubert de Givenchy to design her costumes to be stylish but simple enough to be easily replicated by women of any means. She is well known for her iconic black dress, evening gloves, and long cigarette holder.

Who is Audrey Hepburn


This culinary herb is a cousin of mint, and when planted around your house can repel wasps. It’s part of the Lamiaceae family, and is best planted in late spring or early summer. It is used in Italian cuisine for its sweet and savory, almost peppery flavor.

What is Basil


This is the person you call when your wiring is faulty or you lose power.

Who is an Electrician


This great and terrifying creature attacked ships out at sea. Many illustrations of it depict ships being dragged into the depths by its tentacles.

What is a Kraken


This custardy baked egg dish is often a favorite during potlucks. It’s a French food, usually consisting of a pastry crust filled with savory custard and cheese, meat, seafood or vegetables.

What is Quiche


This term for men’s fashion was coined by John Fairchild, editor of Women’s Wear Daily. It referred to the growing popularity of more flamboyant, bright colors, bold prints, and fabric covered buttons. 

What is The Peacock Revolution


This is a method of breaking down old items to make fertilizer for a garden. You might put vegetable scraps, cardboard, or grass clippings in one of these bins.

What is composting


It’s recommended to get this from your doctor every year to prevent the spread of a common disease.

What is a Flu Shot


Legend says that this hairy creature stands up to 9 feet tall on two legs. A possible explanation might be a bear standing upright. There have been sightings reported nationwide. This being’s likeness is used to advertise beef jerky.

What is Bigfoot/Sasquatch


This finger food is made with a tortilla rolled and filled with a seasoned mixture, usually of meat, and covered in a hot chile sauce 

What are Enchiladas


Following efforts by Beth Levine and Cristóbal Balenciaga’s efforts in the 50’s to make boots fashionable, this low-heeled fashion boot was introduced in the mid 60’s. The original boots were white and mid-calf in height, and were sometimes called the Courréges boot after the man commonly credited with their creation.

What are Go-Go Boots


This plant loves heat and needs to be planted after all risk of frost has passed. It needs lots of sun during the day and night time temperatures of over 50 degrees. In the 1700s, it was believed the fruit of this plant was poisonous. In reality, the high acid content of the food leached the lead in pewter plates into aristocrat’s food.

What is a Tomato Plant


You might do this instead of going to Walmart or another large retailer to buy clothing. You can usually find some other nice things someone else didn’t want, and you’ll save money on it too.

What is Thrifting


This popular singer died in 1977, but Gail Brewer-Georgio and other writers have hypothesized that he lives on in hiding. There have been reported sightings since the day after Elvis died, including what turned out to only be an impersonator of the famous rockstar at Legoland in 1999

Who is Elvis Presley


This is a round baking vessel that features a latch on the side, causing the bottom and sides of the pan to separate.

What is a Spring Form Pan


This article of clothing was controversial throughout the 60’s, with designers like Coco Chanel and Christian Dior originally denouncing the trend. Mary Quaint is credited with defining the trend, and she named it after her favorite car (and also for its lack of coverage).

What is a miniskirt


This gardening technique uses a water-based nutrient solution in place of soil. Often, plants are placed in a mesh pot with clay balls as a potting medium, and the pot is placed in a pipe pumping the nutrient solution. It‘s an easy way to grow lots of plants with limited space and resources, and it provides easy access for trimming and pruning.

What is Hydroponics


This is something you can do every week that involves taking stock of what groceries you have and what groceries you need. It can save time in the kitchen. And it you decide you don’t want to eat hamburgers on Tuesday, you’ll have other things prepared!

What is Meal Planning


Two young girls, Elsie Wright and Frances Griffith, convinced many people including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle of the existence of these magical creatures. It was later revealed the girls created the illusion with magazine cutouts held up with string or popsicle sticks cleverly hidden from the camera.

What are the Cottingley Fairies


This combination of starch and cold water is used to thicken a soup or a sauce. If the starch is solely added to hot liquid, the starch granules will clump and ruin the texture of the soup.

What is a slurry
