Campaign Basics
Helpful Stuff
Goals #1
Goals #2
Goals #3

What is Andrew's Campaign Slogan

Rock With Stone


When is Campaigning?

First and Second Day


Why is Andrew running for National President?

Many answers are acceptable.

To give members the same opportunity he had. About showing anything is possible for people. 

When at booth reference his experience with legislators and how he wants to give CTE Day for opportunity.


What does NPEC stand for? How many people on it?

Half credit can be awarded on this

National President's Executive Council. 5 people on it


What initiative highlights events every month?

Monthly Membership Call/webinar 


How do Andrew’s state and national experiences make him qualified to serve this role? (Do not list positions, explain how each of them qualifies him)

What is he running for?

State President - Leading a team 

Nat Tres - Working with staff and leading NTEC 

Jatin to judge answer


A member asks how I plan to help the transition between MS and HS divisions? What could help them?

MSAC Recognition, MS Director on NPEC, What is FBLA video (bc of HS stuff available), 


What is Andrew's favorite goal and how will it be funded. 

Hint: Promotes accessibility to FBLA for all

Local Chapter Grant Program and it will be funded by an FBLA Day. FBLA Day will be 24 hour fundraising challenge across all state divisions during FBLA Week.


Develop and adjust programming to address underserved and special populations according to Perkins V legislation 

Provide access for English language learners

Access will be provided through translation option.  

How do I do the first one???


How will Andrew 

Identify grant funding sources to support FBLA programs

If you give a good initiative you'll get the points whether its on here or not.

Giving FBLA Sponsorship Packet to State Leaders and officer to attain funding from businesses. 


What are three initiatives Andrew did as Nat Treasurer?

FBLA Fundraiser!!!! Financial Literacy Contests, Money Masterclass, American Enterprise Day Panel, Business Breakdown, State Treasurer GroupMe, NLC Sponsorship Prospetcus, NLC Fundraiser, NFLC Fundraiser, NLC T-Shirt w/ Staff, Scholarship Database, SBE Recognition, NFLC Takeovers, March of Dimes Promotion, BAA Officer Level, Partner Program Promotion, Economic Update


 A State Officer asks how Andrew will get them more connected on the national level? How could this be done? 

2x points for detailed explanation of two initiatives. Andrew to be judge

State Officer Communication Channel, State Officer Guide, State Officer, Fall State Officer Training, 


What is the Perkins grant, which initiative of Andrew’s does that connect to, and how does it connect to it?

Andrew explanation


How will Andrew 

Increase chapter development and competitive event resources, create a professional development program, and establish a national recruitment and retention program for advisers

Just give 3 total initiatives. You won't be able to answer third.

Chapter Development - Partner Program Guide, stipend champion chapter, Local Chapter Grant Program, Monthly Membership Webinar, What is FBLA Video

Comp Event - Webinar w/ alumni top 10 placers

Retention for Advisers - Offer Meet and Greet w/ for example LoveSac founder and other alumni


How will Andrew 

Develop the FBLA Alumni & Professional Network

Alumni Webinars (Could be during FBLA Week) and Competitive Event Panel. Shows members benefit of joining FBLA Collegiate and gives employers solid employees that are driven.


Why did Andrew join FBLA?

Started his own business and liked business. Make sure to mention dad's influence at booth if asked. 


A new state officer asks how Andrew will help build their State Chapter. They are from a small state chapter and their social media is weak

-Name two initiatives

Local Chapter Grant Program, Monthly Membership Webinar, What is FBLA Video, Partner Program Guide, State Officer Communication Channel, Fall State Officer Training


How will Andrew 

Strengthen High School at the chapter and classroom level

Focusing on CTE Funding! A CTE to have all our State Officers go to their state capital and speak with their representatives to show how FBLA has changed their lives. 


How does Andrew plan to help international chapters?

They won't exist


Summarize Andrew’s campaign in 2 sentences, highlighting the most important parts.

Jatin and Andrew to be judge

Name any 3 awards Andrew has won in FBLA
  • 2nd Place, Future Business Leader - NJ FBLA (2024)
  • 2nd Place, Intro to Business Concepts - NJ FBLA (2023)
  • NTEC Treasurer of the Month - December 2022
  • Eastern Region Member of the Month - December 2022
  • Statewide Member of the Month - November 2022
  • NJ Gold Officer Award - 2023
  • BAA Advocate, Leader, Contributor Award Levels
  • Lead4Change $1500 Special Prize Winner

How does Andrew plan to make FBLA more accessible to people?

-Revise governing documents to reflect inclusive language
-Ensure access for students with disabilities

Focusing on speaking with DEI Committee and Competitive Events committee to ensure expert experience. I want to build translation option into website. 

- Make sure to speak about how Andrew and national officer changed creed and other FBLA documents during FBLA Week. 


How will Andrew 

- Define the FBLA member experience as a continuum
- Expand Middle School program opportunities

Looking for two initiatives and a definition of the role each division plays in a members development towards the workforce.

Andrew will support MS members initially with the addition on MSAC Director on NPEC and furthermore MSAC Recognition to go beyond just a single middle school summit. 

MS emphasis will build interpersonal skills and career exploration, HS will be on strengthening that field of study and finding connections and collegiate is based on finding your job and transitioning into the workforce.

  1. What initiative is Andrew revamping to make better for the next membership year? (Multiple answers are acceptable

Fall State Officer Training, Champion Chapter


Name all national officers and their positions

Hint - There are 9

Andrew will answer
