Subject Matter Jurisdiction
Summary Judgement
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Under § 1332(a), what is the minimum dollar amount that would satisfy the amount in controversy and what kind of diversity is required? 

What are $75,000.01 and complete diversity?


What rule must a party follow when responding to a pleading?

What is FRCP 8(b)?


What are the two ways of proving a fact for summary judgment?

What is using direct evidence and circumstantial evidence ?


What discovery tool allows a party to get a nonparty to testify under oath?

What is a deposition?


What selfie-taking crested macaque filed a copyright claim against a photographer who published the selfie as his own photograph?

Who is Naruto?


What is the window in which a claim can be removed to federal court?

What is from the moment the claim is filed up to 30 days after receipt by the defendant.


What are three elements a party must or may include in a response?

What are failure of proof defenses, Affirmative defenses and/or bringing counterclaims.


When is there no genuine dispute as to any material fact?

What is when there is only ONE version of events that a reasonable jury could draw?


What rule is used to sanction parties that are non-compliant during discovery

What is FRCP 37?


Which US Representative said, "I'll let you write the let me write the procedure, and I'll screw you every time."?

Who is John Dingell?


To have subject matter jurisdiction under § 1331, where must the federal question appear?

What is on the face of the plaintiff’s complaint?


What is the time-frame within which the defendant has to respond?

What is within 21 days pursuant to FRCP 12(a)(1)(A)(i)?


What evidence is Summary Judgment based on?

What is all the evidence found in discovery including affidavits, depositions and answers to interrogatories?


For a party to seek a Rule 35 physical or mental examination, what must the questioned condition?

What is “in controversy”?


What case involved a famous comedian, the world’s largest retailer, and a terrible car accident?

What is Morgan v. Walmart?


What is the supplemental jurisdiction standard for other claims that are so related to claims in the action? 

 What is “common nucleus of operative fact”?


What is the effect of failing to deny an allegation when responding to a pleading?

What is failure to deny an allegation constitutes an admission of that allegation under FRCP 8(b)(6) and the allegation will be taken as true for the remainder of the trial?


How does Scott limit drawing all reasonable inferences in favor of the non-movant?

What is not believe the non-movant’s story if the story is so blatantly contradicted by the record that no jury could reasonably believe this story?


In what case did a visually impaired driver crash into a tractor trailer, leading to the request of nine medical exams and eventually the Supreme Court?

What is Shlagenhauf v. Holder?


What are the four stages of a case that we were focused on during the semester?

What are pleadings, discover, dispositive motions, and settlement?


When can a defendant challenge subject matter jurisdiction and what rule governs this?

What is at any and what is rule 12(h)(3)?


What are the ways in which a defendant may admit or deny when responding to an allegation?

What is a defendant can generally deny allegations, or if the defendant does not intend to deny all allegations, it must either specifically deny and admit the rest or specifically admit and deny the rest?


What does the court not do during summary judgment ?

What is the court does not not draw inferences, weigh evidence, or make credibility determinations?


What can a responding party file if it feels it should not turn over information?

What is a motion for a protective order under Rule 26(c)(1)?


Name one thing you should avoid doing at all cost when answering one of Professor Wasserman’s problems?

What is fight Professor Wasserman’s hypothetical? What is answer the question with a question?
