Bone, wood, stone and plant fibre
What were paleolithic tools made of
because agricultre was discovered
Why is the neolithic revolution important
Because metalurgy was discovered
Why were the metal ages important
What were the kings tombs
Who was the god of gods (and thunder)
They were nomadic
what was their lifestyle
False, They were sedentary
true or false were they nomadic like the paleolithic people
Name a city state
What animal was considered so dirty and unholy that no one could touch what it had touched
(power up make any team loose 500 points)
Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian
(power up steal 750 points)
Chew and stretch them
How did they make clothes (power up go to first place by 100 points or none if you are in first place)
grains and cereals
What was the main plant used
The process of heating up and shaping metal
What is metalurgy/smelting
Because the floods irrigated the crops
Why was the nile river important
A genius who discovered mass, bouancy and then later superweapons like greek fire (early napalm cannons)
Who was Achemides
Schematic and naturallistic
Name the two types of rock art
Beer then later bread
What was the first food made out of grain
The first church or equivalent of one
What is a ziggurat (power up second turn)
a Khopesh (double points)
What is an egyptian sword called
because they set the baseline for almost every kind of science
why were the philosophers important
The spear thrower, the fine blade and the fishing trap
what are some of the more advanced paleolithic tools
A somewhat organised society with some of the first jobs
How were they organised (power up More or less swap points)
Which early city state was mentioned in the bible?
because they were touched with the burning hands of ra's most powerful form (triple points if you get this)
why do leopards have spots
What body part signfied your status quo