What is the name pf the actress mentioned in the opening lyrics of the song Uptown Funk
Who is Michelle Pfeiffer
In the movie "Hope for what you do not see" how many kids does the main character Ethan have (must also mention boy or girl)
2 boys
How many holes are in a straw
1 or 2 jut wanted to see what you would say
Who is the only women to witness Jesus impalement
How many moths have 28 days
What is 12
Who has Beyounce not collaborated with Andre 3000, Kendrick Lamar, Trey Songz, Justin TImberlake
Who is Trey Songz
What bible characters are the 2 animated movies based on
Who is David and Noah
How much dirt is in a hole that is 5ft by 5ft by 5ft.
0 no dirt in a hole
What did Ruth work as a profession
Collected stalks left behind from harvesters to get grain
How what day was the youngest person living on earth born?
Who is sings the chorus on the Shaggy song It wasn't me
In the movie on Jonah he learned a lesson in what 2 qualities (In the title)
Courage and Mercy
It takes 5 men 5 minutes to make 5 toys. How long will it take 100 men to make 100 toys?
what is 5 minutes
Who is the first to refer to God as "Jehovah of armies"
Who is Hannah
A plane is flying from US to Canada and crashes perfectly on the border where wold you bury the survivors?
You don't bury survivors
What is the full title of the movie based on Jesus
For a Certainty God Made Him Lord and Christ
a baseball and a baseball bat cost $1.10, it costs $1 more for the base ball bat then the baseball. How much is the baseball?
What is the full relationship between Esther and Mordecai
Cousin and adoptive father
If you had only 1 match and entered a dark room containing an oil lamp, some kindling wood, and a newspaper, wanted the longest lasting fire possible what would you light first?
What is a Match?
There have only been 2 Albums to have 5 number 1 hits in 1987 Michael Jackson Bad and what album in 2010?
Katy Perry Teenage Dream
What is the longest movie on JW library (Documentaries don't count)
The Prodigal Returns
A watermelon is 100g and 99% water and 1% melon. It is squeezed losing water till it is 2% melon, how much does it now weigh?
How old was Sarah when she died and gave birth to Isaac
127 and 90
How many bites of a banana can you eat on an empty stomach (the answer must be a number)