These two former plebes are now enjoying freedom away from West Point
Former NHL player for the penguins and rangers (???????????)
CPL Tamer
Plebes must wear this when wearing APFU
PT Belt
An orphan in a costume that lives in Queens
This plebe is on the Wrestling Team
Was a bronze medalist for cross country in high school
LT Yucetepe
1-2CL cadets over the age of 21 can enjoy their thursday nights here
Firstie Club
Two friends fight with sticks
Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
This plebe is a grill sergeant
Winner of a "Top Achievers" Scholarship
CPL Warzecha
The top _____ drawers are inspectable for 3-4CL Cadets
A couple buddies lose a groom
The Hangover
This plebe is on the Freestyle Ski Team
Was recognized as one of the first female eagle scouts
SGT Hudry
Before the tape plebe incident, plebes could wear _____ to spirit dinner
Anything that was issued
A foreign reporter comes the US to make a documentary
This plebe has a twin
Reads stories to 2nd graders as community service during spring break
SGT Coffman
Get their mail
Two friends go on an adventure to find a crown for a merman
The Spongebob Movie