What are the teacher:child ratio's?
Infants: 1:5
Toddlers: 1:5 / 1:7 / 1:8
Preschool: 1:10
Pre-K: 1:12
School Age: 1:15
What is the first thing you should do when you come to work?
How often do toys/materials get cleaned?
What is daily?
Who clocks in/out the children?
What is the Parents
Where are emergency medications kept
What is in backpacks of room the child is in
How far apart are children's cots/cribs to be placed during nap?
What is 2 feet
How much notice do you give to call out of your shift?
What is 2 hours
Do Teachers have to wash hands before serviing food?
What is Yes
Who is responsible for logging diapers, food, activities?
What is the teacher that was responsible for the diaper, feeding, or activity.
When do you use homebase
What is clock in/out and messaging staff and admin
How much time does a child have to rest for?
What is 30 mins
Are you allowed to wear sandels to work?
What is no
How often do you is bleach bottles made
What is daily?
Who is responsible for communicating with parents on brightwheel?
What is all teachers in the classroom
What is only when class is outside
What age groups need sleep check? How often?
Infant and Toddlers
Every 10 Min.
Where to you request time off?
What is Ripping
When do you use oxivir?
What is bodily fluids
How often do you do a face to name?
When parents drop off children what should we do
What ages have a chock tube
What is 6 weeks to 3 years
What is the first thing you do when working in a classroom?
What is clock-in on Brightwheel
What temperature do we send a child home?
What is 100.3
When do you do a face to name
Why do you do a face to name
What is to account for each child in your room