Projectile Motion
Newton's Laws, Forces
Work, Energy, & Power
1 Dimensional Motion

A cannon is fired horizontally from the top of a 30m cliff into the ocean. The initial velocity of the cannon was 1000m/s. How far from the cliff does the cannon ball hit the water?

2470 m


What happens according to Newton if you let an untied balloon go? And what Law is it?

Newton's 3rd Law. Air will rush out of the balloon forcing the balloon to move through the air in the opposite direction, but equal in force.


A 10kg ball moving at 13ms strikes a 20kg ball at rest. After the collision the 10kg ball is moving with a velocity of 7ms. What is the velocity of the second ball?

3 m/s


A crate of mass 50kg is pushed along a floor with a force of 20N for a distance of 5m. Calculate the work done.

WD= 100J


If a 15kg ball takes five seconds to strike the ground when released from rest, at what height was the ball dropped?



A hunter aims directly at a target (on the same level) 140 m away. If the bullet leaves the gun at a speed of 280 m/s, by how much will the bullet miss the target?

1.23 m


Describe what happens if you try and push Mr. Holt. What happens if he pushes back, and what law is being used?

Newton's 2nd Law. If you put force on Mr. Holt, force will be put back on you. Because of Mr. Holt's mass, you most likely will not have enough force to make him accelerate. If Mr. Holt pushed you, you most likely would move in the direction of the force since he has more mass


A 0.25kg ball strikes a 1.25kg ball at rest. After the collision the 0.25kg ball is moving with a velocity of 18ms and the second ball is moving with a velocity of 9ms. What is the initial velocity of the first ball?

63 m/s


How far must a 5N force pull a 50g toy car if 30J of energy are transferred?

d= 6


How far will an object travel after ten seconds if it is dropped into a bottomless pit?



A ball is thrown horizontally from the roof of a building 50 m tall and lands 45 m from the base. What was the ball’s initial speed?

14 m/s


When two equal forces act in opposite directions on an object, they are called _______?

Balanced Force


A 12kg ball moving at 37ms strikes a second ball at rest. After the collision the 12kg ball is moving with a velocity of 19ms and the second ball is moving with a velocity of 4ms. What is the mass of the second ball?

54 kg


A man exerts a force of 2,000 N on a boulder but fails to move it. Calculate the work done.

WD= 0


How long does it take an object to travel a distance of 30m from rest at a constant acceleration of 2m/s2?



A bullet traveling 800 m/s horizontally hits a target 180 m away. How far does the bullet fall before it hits the target?

 0.26 m


According to Newton's 2nd law of motion, force is equal to mass times __________?



Hockey puck A (2kg) travels with a velocity of 40ms to the right when it collides with hockey puck B (1.6kg), which was originally at rest. After the collision, puck A is stationary. Assume no external forces are in play and that the momentum of the pucks are conserved. What is the final velocity of puck B after the collision?



A football of mass 2.5kg is lifted up to the top of a cliff that is 180m high. How much potential energy does the football gain?

Ep = 4500J


A person on top of a 200m tall building drops a rock. How long will it take for the rock to reach the ground? Ignore air resistance.

t= 6.4s


A fire hose held near the ground shoots water at a speed of 7.5 m/s. At what angle should the nozzle point in order that the water land 2.0 m away? Why are there two different answers to this problem?



Gravity is increased with ________?

Greater mass & Shorter distance


A bullet with mass 0.25g hits a ballistic pendulum with length 1m and mass 100g and lodges in it. When the bullet hits the pendulum it swings up from the equilibrium position and reaches an angle 30∘ at its maximum. Determine the bullet’s velocity.

650 m/s


A person of mass 70kg runs up a flight of stairs with a vertical height of 5m. If the trip takes 7s to complete, calculate the person’s power.

Power = 500W


A ball is thrown horizontally off a cliff of height of 50m with an initial velocity of 15ms. How far from the cliff will the ball land?

