Projectile & Satellite Motion
The Atomic Nature of Matter
Color & Light

What is the maximum range occurs for an ideal launch?

45 degrees


What are the 3 states of matter?

Gas, liquid and solid


What charges attract each other and what repeals?

Attracts: '+' with '-'

Repeals: '+' with '+' & '-' with '-'


What is the frequency of 1 hertz?

A vibration that occurs 1 Hz/sec


What are the primary light colors?

Red, Green, and Blue


True or false: without gravity, a tossed object follows a straight-lined path



What are quarks?

Particles that make up a nucleon


What are semiconductors?

A material that can be made the behave sometimes as an insulator & sometimes as a conductor


A sound wave frequency is 500Hz. What is the Period?

Period= 1/frequency

Period= 1/500Hz

Period= .0025sec


True or False: is glass transparent to ultraviolet, infrared light, and visible light?

False: glass is only transparent to visible light.


A tiger leaps horizontally from a 12 m high rock with a speed of 4.5 m/s. How far from the base of the rock will she land?

Yf=Yi+Vyit + 1/2(-10)t^2


t=1.5 m


What is an isotope? And give an example.

Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons

Ex: carbon-12, Uranium-235, chlorine-36, etc.


What is the equation for Coulomb's Law?

=electric force

=Coulomb constant


=distance of separation


1. For transverse waves, does the medium vibrate perpendicularly to parallel to the direction of energy transfer?

2. What is the other type of wave?

1. Perpendicular

2. Longitudinal wave


What is an opaque material and give 2 examples.

Opaque- absorb light without re-emitting it

Examples: Books, desks, chairs, people, ect.


What is a parabola? What changes and what stays constant?

A curved path of a projectile that undergoes acceleration only in the vertical direction, while moving horizontally at a constant speed


How many grams of H in 25g of C2H5OH (ethyl alcohol)?

25g C2H5OH | 1 mole C2H5OH | 6 mole H | 1.00795g H


                       |46.069g C2H5OH | 1 mole C2H5OH | 1 mole H

=3.2819g H


When are semiconductors considered insulators?

When they are in their pure state.


What is a shock wave and how many cones does it consists of?

A shock wave is a pattern of overlapping spheres that form a cone from objects traveling faster than the speed of sound. 

It consists of 2 cones: high and low pressure


A helium neon (He-Ne) laser emits light with a wavelength of 633 nm. What is the frequency of this light?

633nm is equal to 6.33x10^-7 m

f= 1/period

f=C/λ   (3x10^8 m/s)/(6.33x10^-7 m)= 4/7x10^14 Hz


What are Kepler's 3 laws of Planetary Motion?

1. The path of each planet around the Sun is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus

2. The line from the Sun at any planet sweeps out equal areas of space in equal time intervals

3. The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the average distance of the planet from the Sun


What is matter? What is antimatter? And can either of them exist in our environment?

Matter- Composed of atoms with POSITIVE nuclei and NEGATIVE electrons

Antimatter- Composed of atoms with NEGATIVE nuclei and POSITIVE electrons

Both matter and antimatter cannot exist in our environment


What are the 4 fundamental facts about atoms?

1. Every atoms is composed of a '+' charged nucleus surrounded by '-' charged electrons

2. Each of the electrons in any atom has the same quantity of '-' charge & the same mass

3. Protons & neutrons compose the nucleus. Protons are ~ 1800 times more massive than electrons but each one carries an amount of '+' charge = to the '-' charge of electrons. Neutrons have slightly more mass than protons & have no net charge

4. Atoms usually have as many electrons as protons, so the atom has 0 net charge


A string is 6.0 m long and is vibrating as the 3rd harmonic. The string vibrates up and down with 45 complete vibrational cycles in 10 seconds. Determine the frequency, period, wavelength and speed for this wave.

Vibrates: 45 cycles

t= 10 sec

L= 6 m

f=45/10 = 4.5Hz

T=10/45 = .222sec

L=3/2 λ       λ= 2/3(6) = 4m

V= 4*4.5 = 18m/s


Whoo hoo you got the easy 500!!!!

True or false: According to Huygens' Principle, wavefronts are made up of tinier wavefronts

