What is the Nervous System?
Master control and communication system of the body.
How can the right and left cerebral hemisphere control movement on their opposite sides?
Criss cross wiring
What does the prefix Epi- stand for?
How many bones does a human baby have and how many does a human adult have?
300, 206
What is anatomy and what is physiology?
Anatomy-The study of structure and shape of body
Physiology- Study of how body and parts function
Afferent- To go toward
Efferent-Bring about or cause a motor response
What are both hemispheres connected by?
Corpus Callosum
What is the muscle belly?
Bundle of fascicles
What are the bones referred to?
hint*-internal framework
The steel frame of the body
What is the scapular?
Shoulder blade
What are the 2 types of cells the nervous tissue is made of?
Neuroglia and neurons
What does the Medulla Oblongata connect?
How does the cardiac and smooth muscle work together?
Regulates blood to heart and maintains blood pressure
What are the Skeletal muscles attached to?
Attached to bones by tendons
What are the 4 types of tissue in the body?
What are the 2 functional properties that neurons have?
Irritability and Conductivity
What is repolarization?
Process where k+1 ions go out of the cell, while restoring negative charge inside cell and positive charge outside cell
What are the 2 types of myofilments?
Actin and Myosin
What are the two types of osseous tissue types?
Compact and Spongy bones
Whats the difference between Avascular and Vascular?
Avascular-poor blood supply
Vascular-good blood supply
What happens to the outside of a plasma membrane and what happens inside a plasma membrane when polarization occurs?
Outside- Plasma membrane is slightly positive Na+1 (sod)
Inside- Plasma membrane is slightly negative k+1(pot)
What happens to the outside of the plasma membrane and the inside of the plasma membrane when depolarization occurs?
Outside- Plasma membrane becomes negative Na+ (down)
Inside-Plasma membrane becomes positive Na+1(up)
What is the chemical reaction to release energy?
What is the shaft of the long bone called?
What are gone 2 subdivisions of the Ventral body cavity?
Diaphragm and Mediastinum