Favorite Twenty-One Pilots song
What is Car Radio?
What is Singapore?
Best distance (based on PR)
What is the 3200m?
What 4 notes are the viola strings?
What is A, D, G, and C?
Name something I have (there's only one right answer)
What is a girlfriend? (It's you)
Favorite indie artist
Who are The Shins?
National Park I want to visit most
What is Glacier National Park?
What is my home course?
What is Bear Branch Park?
Who are the members of my quartet?
Who are me, Jiwoo, Debbie, and Zham.
Name something on my wall at HOME
hehehehehehe I love you
First favorite song
What is Counting Stars?
Favorite place Micah has stayed (specific city)
What is Nafplion?
Least favorite workout
What is the Peak workout? (2400m 10s off of mile PR, then 4 1000m's 5s off of 800m PR)
Favorite piece I've performed?
What is In the Dreams of Zhou?
Name a Star Wars Lego set I have
(What is) Ill see if ur right dingus...
Favorite song from favorite musical
What is the Do You Hear The People Sing?, from Les Miserables?
(Empty Chairs at Empty Tables, and Work Song also accepted)
Favorite Beach
What is Bellows Beach?
Favorite Race I've ever run
What is NXR South, Senior Year?
What was my tryout song for Baylor that I played a billion times and still do? You can hum it.
What is the Accolay Violin Concerto?
Name a special Pokemon card I have
mmmmmm not quite (jk)
Favorite Japanese artist
Who is Ado?
Dream ski location
What is Whistler?
Pre race breakfast
what is 2 eggo waffles, whole wheat, a protein bar and a banana?
What's the coolest place I've performed?
What is my alarm clock at home?