What can I tell the cst?
More PIIs
Global contact reason

What fees did I pay for a specific transfer?

All publicly available information can be shared with the customer. You can also share information from the internal calculator that shows exact fee breakdowns.


Does the customer’s name, email address, or postal address need to be redacted from the email body?

No, we don’t need to redact names, emails, or address.


cst was reaching out about the status of their refund for their cancelled transfer

Transfer Amendments::Refund a transfer


If a business customer wants to have separate personal account, we have to follow these 3 steps:

 If you see the personal profile is not hidden yet —  escalate the case to the regional Verification team, so they can hide it.
 Once the personal profile is hidden — add the dup-override tag to the business account.
 If the customer wants to use the same phone number in both accounts — toggle to Allow phone number duplicates on the business account.


Cst emails us asking us to deactivate their account - what should CS do?

If a customer having only a personal profile contacts CS via email with a request to deactivate their account, you must direct them to the Self-Service Account Deactivation process.

Never deactivate personal accounts upon email request.


When did I create my account?

We never give out the opening date of a Wise account, but you can provide the date of their main balance opening – for tax purposes.  


Do we need to redact PII from internal notes?

Yes, redact the PII and add it to https://paste-legacy.tw.ee/ or https://paste.tw.ee/ (both links work)


Cst needs a POAO and wants to know how to download it

Holding money::Statements


The customer couldn’t answer the security trifecta correctly and they do not have an ID document on their profile. As CS, we should:


If there’s no verified ID, the CS agent can ask the customer to upload a valid ID.


If the Changelog shows that the customer was deactivated by ‘identity service" -this means what


The cst deactivated their account themselves. You can also tell by a comment left on the ninjas page.


A recipient reaches out asking "Can I get a copy of the transfer receipt?"

We can only provide that document to the sender.


Is there any type of cst case where you shouldnt redact text and documents?

Yes, if they are a US customer we should not redact. CS update here https://wise.slack.com/archives/C0C3GDH4P/p1667503318395359


Cst reaches out about verification, and wanting to set up a power of attorney and how to do it.

Verification:: Problematic verification


The account is a NULL NULL + Apple-registered with hidden ID (@privaterelay.appleid.com) - CS should:

In this case, you can resort to locating the account with phone number instead of email.

Since it’s a NULL NULL, we can’t verify for trifecta nor can we change any details.

 The case will count as an exception if the customer can’t log into the NULL NULL (e.g. changed Apple ID or device + it’s the only account created by customer). In this case, you can close it as DUP so customer can create a new replacement account.

 If unsure, please post edge cases to the channel.


Accounts that do not have 2FA enabled will not be eligible for self-serve reactivation flow. Phone number verification is required as a part of the reactivation flow.


Is this IBAN owned by Wise? I’m not asking you to confirm the name of your customer, just to check if the details belong to a Wise customer.

Yes, you can confirm this, as entering the IBAN in a public database like ibancalculator.com shows that it's an IBAN owned by Wise.


What’s my membership number (P-ref)/transfer number? Can you share this with the cst?

You can share this with the customer on the phone after you’ve verified them with security trifecta.


A cst contacts us saying they noticed some unusual activity on their account, like transfers set up on their account that they did not create.

Compliance :: Fraud


If the customer can’t provide a membership number nor any transfer number even after guidance, the CS agent should ask for the following:

  • The registered email

  • Full name 

  • DOB

  • An additional question


I would like to know the name of the company that does ID verification for you? - What can we say?


You can tell the customer the name of the company that’s displayed at the bottom of the ID upload verification page. The exact vendor will vary, but you can check Ninjas Verification page and let customer know if ID was verified with Jumio/Onfido/etc or manually.


I sent money to one of your customers. It was a scam and I’m reporting it to you over the phone. I want a reference number for this call.

Create a ticket with the info they provided and their details (email & name) as requester, then provide them with that Twilio ticket number.


How many times has the password been changed on my account? When and where was each password changed? Can you share this with the cst?

We can’t provide this information, as it would be harmful to the safety and security of their Wise account.


Customer closed their account themselves (on purpose or by accident) and they would like to reopen it.

Logging in :: Returning customer


What steps do you need to take in order to send a cst the OTP via email?

  • Be on the phone with CS agent;

  • Make sure to go through the Security Trifecta + 5 additional security questions. In those 5 additional questions, you must ask for registered phone number and verified ID.

  • If their registered phone number is not confirmed, their account has no Send security code via email button/option on Ninjas.

  • Have a valid verified ID on the profile. If their verified ID expired, the customer needs to email us their new ID from the registered email — so you can run it through ID verification.


If a cst CC's someone else in their email communications to us - what should we do?

If the customer has CC someone else in their email, remove any CCs and let the customer know. They can always forward information themselves.
