How is Nick link to Daisy?
She is his second cousin once removed.
Does Nick seem to make any judgments about Tom and Myrtle‘s relationship?
No, Nick doesn’t judge them.
Who does Nick run into at Gatsby party?
Jordan Baker
What was Wolfsheim’s cough links made of?
They were made of human molars.
Why can’t Gatsby focus?
He’s nervous about meeting with Daisy.
What does Jordan tell Nick about Tom?
That he has a woman in New York.
What lies between west egg and New York?
Valley of ashes.
Why did Nick go to Gatsby party?
He was invited.
What kind of parties does Gatsby throw?
He throws big parties hoping Daisy will show you.
Why does Gatsby offer Nick a side job?
So that Nick could make some extra money.
Who does Jordan say she knows in West egg?
Jay Gatsby
What does Miss Wilson ask for?
She asked for a dog.
What does the owl eyed Mantel Nick and Jordan about the library books?
That the books were absolutely real and they have pages and everything. He thought they’d be a nice durable cardboard, but matter fact, they’re absolutely real.
Whats the reason Gatsby has a war metal and a photograph?
So people will believe his background.
Who plays “The Love Nest ?”
What does Nick say is one of his qualities?
That he’s not one of judgment.
What does Kathleen say about Gatsby?
He’s a nephew or a cousin of Kaiser Wilhelm’s that’s where all his money comes from.
What does Lucille say that Gatsby did for her?
She had torn her gown on a chair and he asked her name and address inside of a week. She got a package from Gatsby with a new evening gown in it.
What is Tom and Daisy‘s marriage like?
Their marriage isn’t solid.
Who is the black widow?
Ella Kaye
What does Daisy say was her first comment when her daughter was born?
Is it a boy or a girl? The nurse said it was a girl and Daisy says I hope she’ll be a fool. That’s the best thing a girl can be in this world a beautiful little fool.
What does time do when Myrtle starts talking about Daisy?
He broke her nose with his open hand.
What does Nick realize about Jordan?
She is incurably dishonest.
How is Daisy described as a girl?
She’s popular, always dressed in white and had a little white roadster.
Why did Gatsby change his name?
Because he didn’t want people to know, he came from a poor family.