Which country was Katherine Mansfield born in?
What is New Zealand.
Miss Brill wears something, that symbolizes her own fears of growing old and lonely. What piece of clothing is this?
What is Miss Brills fur stole.
Where does Miss Brill often spend her sunday afternoons?
What is the public gardens?
What is bosom?
What is a name for a woman's chest / breast.
What kind of character is often featured in Katherine Mansfiels stories?
What is an outsider / lonely protagonist.
What does the music symbolize?
What is Miss Brills emotions.
In which country does the story take place? HINT = 'Jardins Publiques'
What is France.
What is an ermine?
What is a white stoat.
Which literary technique does Katherine Mansfield often use, that is also used in 'Ulysees' by James Joyce (and of course in Mrs. Brill)?
What is stream of consciousness.
Who is lucky?
You :)
The story takes place during a season, that also reflects change and decline?
What is autumn.
The word 'Shabby' belongs to what word category?
What is an adjective.
What is Modernism.
The elderly couple that Miss Brill observes symbolize what?
What are Miss Brills fears of growing old.
The atmosphere towards the end of the story is described as what?
What is cold / cruel / lonely / isolating.
What is a toque?
What is a type of hat worn by women.
What is the name of the famous russian author, who inspired Katherine Mansfield?
What is Anton Chekhov.
At the end, Miss Brill skips her usual treat: a honeycake. What does this symbolize?
What is Miss Brills loss of joy / shift in happiness.
What does Miss Brill think, that she is a part of?
What is a play.
What is a down from an Eiderduck.