Anime and Manga
Turnback Time
Video Games
Lyrics of the 90's

This Chinese Literature, which follows the Archetypal "Hero's Journey," Laid the groundwork for Manga and Anime such as "Dragon Ball Z"

What is "Journey to the West"


In the 90's, this style of internet meant your Quake match would have to wait for your Dad's office call.

What is "Dial-up"


Is your NES game not working? Try this.

What is "Blowing into the Cartridge"


While the story goes that Christopher Columbus Discovered America, That is only because this Children's Author added that into his Biography to make it sell better.

Who is Washington Irving


"You wired me awake, and Hit me with a head of Broken nails."

Rusty Cage - Soundgarden


This Mangaka is known for his work such as "Mob Psycho 100" and his Unique Web Comic Art-style

Who is ONE?


This trend of electronic Toys, taught kids how to handle taking care of something...One Cell battery at a time.

What is "Tomogatchi"


This, once the highest selling game of all time, was also the first video game to be played in Space.

What is "Tetris"


"A day that will live in Infamy" according to President FDR.

When was December 7th, 1941 (Attack on Pearl Harbor)


"I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down"

Tubthumping - Chumbawumba


A Genre of Anime and Manga, known for intense action, exploration, and adventure, Shares a name with a Popular Magazine in Japan

What is "Shonen"


Before the age of TiVo and OnDemand, it was common to save a copy of your favorite episode with this.

What is a VHS


While games like Halo revolutionized Online play for Consoles. This system was the first to implement it.

What is the Atari Jaguar


The first Settlement in Australia, intended for British Convicts to live in Exile, was named for it's abundance of life

Where is Botany Bay


"You want it all but you can't have it
It's in your face but you can't grab it."

Epic - Faith No More
Every slice of life series enjoys this episodic trope, whether for the Fan-service, or for the interactions.

What is the "Beach Episode"


The Grass is Always Greener on the Other side, but with those Glasses, their more of a "Rose-Tinting"

What is "Nostalgia"


In the days before Video Walkthroughs, these books would tell you everything you needed to know...Provided you were old enough to read them.

What is a strategy guide.


Gavrilo Princip unwittingly, yet very likely, set the next 100 Years of History in motion after the Assassination of this man.

Who is Franz Ferdinand


"Five-O said, "Freeze!" and I got numb
Can I tell 'em that I never really had a gun?
But it's the wax that the Terminator X spun "

Bring the Noise by Public Enemy


While Mangaka is the official name for an Author of Manga, those who make amateur, self-published works, are given this title.

What is a "Doujin"


While this started as an Underground scene in the 1970's, it was blown up into one of the Most popular forms of Media of the modern era.

What is "Hip-Hop"


Penn and Teller made this game, a real-time 8 hour drive to-and-from Nevada, as a Political Statement about Video games being a Danger.

What is "Desert Bus"


Over a year before riding off on his horse, this Revolutionary joined his fellow Sons of Liberty in the Boston Tea Party Protests.

Who is Paul Revere


"You say you want to get in my Benz?
Well, use me, use me
'Cause you ain't that average groupie"

Baby got Back by Sir Mix-A-Lot
