One Step
Convert 60% to a decimal.
What is 0.6?
Who were your two teachers during Summer Bridge?
Who is Ms. Wolford and Ms. Denklau?
Convert 2/5 to a percent.
What is 40%?
Name one thing you learned during Math during Sumer Bridge.
Answers will vary - examples are integers, equations, converting rational numbers, etc.
Convert 1.3 to a fraction.
What is 1 3/10?
Who is the principal of Northwood Middle School?
Who is Mr. Lee?
Convert .045 to a fraction.
What is 9/200?
Who was the admin during Summer Bridge?
Who is Mrs. Walker?
Convert 235% to a fraction.
What is 2 7/20?
Where is Ms. Denklau from?
What is Nebraska?