Civic Duties and Responsibilities
First Amendment
Am I a citizen?

A formal or official change made to a document

What is an amendment?


This civic duty is intended to defend the country, either willingly or by force. 

What is serving in the armed forces?


Being born in the US or becoming naturalized are the two ways you become

What is a US Citizen?


Cathy is exercising her first amendment right of ________ when she talks about she does not agree with the decisions that her city council rep. is making

What is free speech?


Carolina was born in the United States, but her parents are immigrants. Is she a US citizen?

Yes she is. 


To come into a new country to live permanently

What is to immigrate?


You have to be 18, a US citizen, and registered to participate in this civic responsibility. 

What is voting?


This amendment protects a citizen's right to due process

What is the 5th amendment?


Justin and his friends are gathered in a park to protest about a plan to destroy the park, a concerned woman calls the police and they are told to break it up and go home. What first amendment right was violated?

What is the freedom of assembly?


Jackson wants to become a US citizen. He is 17 years old, has lived in the US for 6 years, and is from England. Is he able to become a US citizen?

No, because he is only 17 years old.


Something you have to do as a citizen, it can result in a penalty

What is a civic duty?


This civic duty enforces your right to a quick and speedy trial

What is jury duty?


True or False: Immigrants are granted all the rights of a US citizen BEFORE they go through the citizenship process



Annabelle is a newspaper editor. She published a piece about her neighbor Violet. Violet happens to be the current mayor of her city and forces Annabelle to retract her article. What first amendment right did Violet violate?

What is the freedom of press?


Carrie wants to become a US citizen. She is 34 years old, has worked in the US for 4 years but lives in Mexico. Is she able to become a US citizen? 

No she is not able to become a US citizen


Something you can do as a citizen, but you don't have to

What is a civic responsibility?


An example of this civic responsibility would be the mayor in Lynchburg, or the governor of Virginia

What is holding office?


This amendment offers equal protections for all citizens in America

What is the 14th amendment?


There is an initiative at Billy's school to ban the lunch period and make all students eat in their classroom. Billy, and other students, feel like this is unfair and create an online signature list to try and bring attention to the issue and to make sure it does not happen. What first amendment right is Billy using?

What is the freedom of petition?


Jordan wants to become a US citizen. He is 24 years old, from Russia, and has lived in the US for 3 years. Is he able to become a US citizen?

Yes, but he may be asked to wait because he comes from a country that the US deems a threat. 


To grant a foreigner citizenship in a country

What is naturalization/naturalize?


To participate in this civic duty all you need to do is go shopping, make an income, go through a toll road, or own a piece of property. 

What is paying taxes?


These are the six steps that naturalize an immigrant seeking US citizenship

1. Be at least 18

2. Be a legal resident of the U.S. for 3-5 years

3. Be of good moral character

4. Be able to read,write, and speak basic English

5. Pass a naturalization test

6. Take the Oath of Allegiance at a naturalization ceremony


Three students refuse to say the pledge of allegiance in school. Their main issue with it is one of the last sentences"One nation under God". A teacher still makes them say the pledge even though they are opposed to doing so. What first amendment right is the teacher violating

What is freedom of religion?


Presley was born on a US military base in Korea. She is 18 years old and has lived in the US for 2 years, is she a US citizen?

Yes, because she was born on a US military base. 
