Any Preserved body part, impression, or trace from an organism that lived in the distant past (+12,000 y.a.)
Give an example of Artificial Selection
Dog breeding, Horse breeding, Vegetable breeding, flower breeding, etc
Define Gene Modification
The process of changing the DNA of an organism by adding a desirable gene or removing an unwanted one.
What is Natural Selection
A process by which the environment influences the distribution of trait variations within a population over many generations.
When animals or plants are purposely selected to breed for a desirable trait.
Selective Breeding
When no more of a species are alive on Earth
Give an example of an Adaptation
Beak Shape, Height, teeth, long necks, etc.
What parts of Mr.Green Genes Glows
Inside ears, Nose, etc
Example of Natural Selection
Darwin's Finches, Peppered moths, etc.
The process of changing the DNA of an organism by adding a desirable gene or removing an unwanted one.
Gene Modification
The total number of fossils that have been discovered & the info determined from them.
Fossil Record
Give an example of Variation
beak shapes, wings, hair color, eyes, etc
Give an Example of Gene Modification
plants, animals, foods, etc
Where did Charles Darwin study the Finches
Galapagos Island
The way organisms have changed over time due to human influence/control
Artificial Selection
Different versions of a trait within a species (like fur color, height, demeanor, beak shape, etc.)
Give an example of Selective Breeding
farm animals, crop plants, etc
Mr.Green Genes
A cloned cat created to aid endangered species
Who is Charles Darwin
A naturalist who spent 5 years on the H.M.S Beagle studying how organisms might change over time and studied finches
When the traits that are beneficial for survival in a particular environment become more common in a population over many generations.
Adaptation by Natural Selection
organism that is shared by two or more descendant lineages
Common Ancestor
Give an example of Analogous Structures
wings of a bird, flippers of a penguin, eyes of an octopus, etc
What is technology used for Gene Modification
How does Natural Selection Occur
When two organisms with traits best suited for their environment reproduce passing on their advantageous traits to their offspring
The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of earth.