An operant-conditioning procedure in which successive approximations of a desired response are reinforced.
What is shaping?
A memory store that holds a large amount of perceptual information for a very brief time, typically less than 1 second.
What is sensory memory?
Baby Aaron is playing with his favorite rattle. His mom places a blanket over the rattle, and Baby Aaron starts looking for something else to play with. Aaron most likely has not developed ________ yet.
What is object permanence?
The reappearance of a learned response after extinction has occurred is called ______.
What is spontaneous recovery?
A gymnast is badly injured during his routine. Following the accident, he is able to form new memories, but can’t remember anything about his life before the accident. This patient is most likely suffering from which form of amnesia?
What are retrograde amnesia (& organic amnesia)?
Charlotte, a 3-year-old, asks her mom to cut a pizza into 12 rather than 8 pieces because she is “really hungry.” On the basis of this example, it is most appropriate to conclude that Charlotte does not understand ________.
What is conservation?
Corey stole his sister’s favorite toy. As a result, he is grounded from playing outside for the rest of the day. What type of consequence does this best illustrate?
What is negative punishment?
Which type of retrieval process is used on a test that requires matching glossary terms with their correct definitions?
What is recognition?
Jeremy comes home after his curfew, and his parents are upset with him. They sit him down and discuss with him the importance of being responsible and getting home on the time they have agreed on, and then all agree that he will do extra work around the house the next day to show his parents that he is sorry for worrying them. According to Baumrind, Jeremy’s parents are using this type of parenting style:
What is authoritative?
In a conditioning experiment, a sound is paired with a brief puff of air to the eye of the rabbit. After several pairings, the rabbit ultimately blinks its eye when it hears the sound. ________ serves as the conditioned stimulus, while the _______ served as the unconditioned stimulus.
What are sound; puff of air?
Clive knowing that marriage often involves a woman changing her last name, but not remembering that his niece got married means that he retains some__________ memories, but does not retain _____________ memories.
What are semantic; episodic?
Baby Jay is happily playing in the sandbox while his mother is watching. She gets up to pick some vegetables in the garden, and Jay starts crying when she leaves. When his mother comes back, Jay crawls over to her, but then does not want to be picked up and is not easily comforted. When his mom tries to pick him up, he pushes her away and continues to cry, but does not leave her side. Jay probably has which attachment style?
What is ambivalent/resistant?
You decide to reward yourself with M&Ms while studying for your final exams. You let yourself have the first handful after you’ve spent 10 minutes studying, the next handful after 30 more minutes of studying, and the next after 5 more minutes of studying. Which schedule of reinforcement are you using?
What is variable interval?
Dan goes out with friends on a Saturday night and has a couple drinks. While out, he meets a friend of a friend named Tom. A few days later, he goes out to dinner and sees Tom, and knows he met him, but can’t seem to recall his name. After a couple drinks at dinner, Dan suddenly remembers Tom’s name. This best exemplifies ___________.
What is state-dependent retrieval?
_________ is the process of taking in new information into our previously existing schema; ___________ is changing or altering our existing schemas in light of new information.
What are assimilation; accommodation?