The percent sign (%) is a symbol that represents this fraction.
What is one out of one hundred?
Convert 50% to a fraction in simplest form.
What is 1/2?
If you get 80 questions correct out of 100, this is your percent score.
What is 80%?
50% is greater than this percent.
What is any percent 49.9 and less
Changing 100% to a decimal gives this result.
What is 1.0?
The percent equivalent of 0.25.
What is 25%?
75% as a fraction is this.
What is 3/4?
You buy a jacket for $40 and you get a 10% discount. This is the amount you'll save from the discount.
What is $4?
Out of 20% and 30%, this is the greater percent.
What is 30%?
Convert 0.75 to a percent.
What is 75%?
When something is taxed and the price increases, if the initial price was $50 and the final price is $55, this is the percent increase.
What is 10%?
This is the fraction equivalent of 40%.
What is 2/5?
A pizza is divided into 8 equal slices. If 6 slices are eaten, the percent of pizza remaining is this.
What is 25%?
This percent is equal to 1/5 and less than 25%.
What is 20%?
Turning 32% into a decimal gives this number.
What is 0.32?
Convert the fraction 3/4 into a percent.
What is 75%?
Changing 1% into a fraction gives this result.
What is 1/100?
What is 1/100?
A shirt originally costs $20. After a 25% discount, the sale price of the shirt is this amount.
What is $15?
What is less: 35% of 60 or 25% of 60?
What is 25% of 60?
2.5% as a decimal is this value.
What is 0.025?
If a number increased from 80 to 96, this is the percent increase.
What is 20%?
The fraction 5/8 is equal to this percent.
What is 62.5%?
If a store item costs $50 and is on sale for 30% off, the final cost is this.
What is $35?
Between 37.5%, 50%, and 62.5%, the largest percent is this.
What is 62.5%?
If you want to find 25% of 80, you multiply 80 by this decimal number.
What is 0.25?