Gives directions on a map
Compass Rose
Which measurement goes first when writing coordinates?
The time zone for Comox is called
A picture that helps you navigate a place
What British location is known because of it's location on the Prime Meridian?
Greenwich, England
The first time zone starts in ___________, England
This tropic is located in the southern hemisphere.
Tropic of Capricorn
In spring, the clocks ______ ________
Sping forward
An alternate to the latitude and longitude version of finding things using the grid system on a map or globe.
Alphanumeric Grid
The arctic circle is at ______ degrees ______
66.5 North
Cumberland is _______of Comox. Use Intermediate Directions to describe the relationship of Comox to Cumberland - what direction do you have to travel to get to Cumberland?
In fall, the time ____ _____.
Falls back
This is a 3D map
This line divides the world in half and also sees the most hours of sunlight.
The equator
Using Cardinal Directions-Victoria is ______ of Comox
When traveling east, time moves _____
Ahead, forwards, up, etc.
What is the name of the "standard" map projection.