the type of conditioning as represented by Pavlov's dog
What is Classical Conditioning?
abbreviation indicating intelligence level of someone that is applicable to every area
What is g?
Facts are an example of this type of memory
What is semantic memory?
Air pollution, alcohol consumption, second-hand smoke are all examples of these, which impact infrant development
What are teratogens?
parenting style that is not demanding and involves being "like a friend" with your child
What is permissive parenting?
when you give someone a reward to encourage increased good behavior
What is positive reinforcement?
SATs and GREs are an example of these
What are aptitude tests?
the ability to drive a car without thinking about doing so is an example of this
What is procedural memory?
Understanding that a person won't know if an item was moved to a different location while they were gone represents understanding this
What is theory of mind?
The phenomena that is part of the pressure to start a family by a certain age
What is the social clock?
When a rat learns to complete a maze quickly despite not being rewarded for it many times before
What is latent learning?
linguist responsible for the idea of universal grammar
Who is Chomsky?
When you retrieve information better if you are in the same room as when you encoded the information
What is context-dependent learning?
Staying close and clinging to the mother and not interacting with the toys around you in the strange situation test would likely mean this attachment style
What is ambivalent (insecure-resistent) attachment?
letting a child not do their chores for the week after they do really well on an important exam would be an example of this
What is negative reinforcement?
What is a social dilemma?
The types of studies that have helped answer the nature vs. nurture question for intelligence
What are twin and adoption studies?
An example is thinking of cats and dogs first when thinking of the word "pet"
What is a prototype?
What is search for identity or answering "Who Am I"?
Being happier to get an award for 5th place, the last place to get a monetary reward, than the person who came in second represents this phenomenom
What is counterfactual thinking?
Distinguishing between red and purple berries in terms of which one is poisonous and which was can be eaten
What is discrimination?
What is linguistic relativity?
When an eyewitness changes his account after being influenced by police questions about the height of a suspect
What are misinformation effects?
neurotransmitter found to be involved in development of dementia
What is acetylecholine?
It is found that there is a correlation of _______ brains and greater intelligence.
What is "bigger" or "larger"?