Who just got traded to the lakers?
Luka Doncic
Who started the war of 1812?
The young republic
what is the most poular pet
What was tthe most popular genre in 2020?
What has to be broken before you can use it?
An Egg
Who has the world recored for the longet shot on a NBA court
Boron Davis
Who pianted the mona lisa?
Leonardo da Vinci
what is the most dangerous animal
What year was The Floss dance?
What month has 28 days?
Who won the world cup in 2012?
when did world war 2 end
September 2, 1945
What animal is widly known for being able to regow parts of its brian
The axolotl
Whatv question can you never answer to?
Are you asleep?
Who won the 2009 Superbowl
The Steelers
when did world war 2 begin
September 1, 1939
what is the smallest animal currently known to mankind
0.020 mm
You see a boat filled with people, and yet there isn't a single person on board? How?
All the people are married.
Who has won the most games in ping pong?
what was the first ever candy made
lickrish or ginger
What is the slowest land animal in the world