During a video posted on Vine, a man is recorded saying these words after saying, "Hey dad, something came in the mail today."
This is where the capital of The United States is located
What is Washington D.C
During this party's rein, Germany experienced an increase in Antisemitism, and a change to radical Authoritarianism under a man named Adolf Hitler
What are the NASDP (Accept Nazis)
In what game is “love” a score?
What is Tennis
The Hostess Brand is most well known for this dessert of Cream Surrounded by Sponge Cake.
A Very Popular video shows a cat with their arms being articulated playing this instrument to the tune of "Play Him Off."
What is a Keyboard
This is the Second largest country in the world
What is Canada
This Iron Chancellor of Germany said that the matters of the day shall be decided by Iron and Blood.
Who is Otto Von Bismark
The Olympics are held every how many years?
When is four years
The middle name of todays game host
Who is Anthony
The origin of this meme is a quote from Peter Jackson’s 2001 film "The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring." In the scene, Boromir tells the Council of Elrond: “One does not simply walk into (this place)."
What is Mordor
This is the longest Mountain Range in North America
What are the Rocky Mountains
During the Signing of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany Was forced to pay war reperations, give up land in the east and west and accept this clause making them responsible for World War I.
What is the War Guilt Clause
What is the only team in the NFL to neither host nor play in the Super Bowl?
Who are The Browns
The original flavor of Twinkies was this tropical fruit commonly used in bread and pudding
What are bananas
During an Epic Rap Battle between Rhett and Link Playing as a Geek and a Nerd Respectively, Link Mentions that he has an actual one of these in his computer which he names "Spock."
What is a Ram
By Area this is the smallest nation in the World
What is the Vatican
During the Brothers War the Prussians superior weapons, and tactics to beat this middling European power to secure hegemony of the German States.
What is Austria (Do not accept Austria Hungary as it has not existed yet)
What team is considered the oldest in the NFL?
The Arizona Cardinals
This band is a favorite of the host in which the band sings songs such as, "Just You N Me" , "I'm a Man", and "Old Days."
What is Chicago
Jonathan Goldsmith appears as the Most _____ Man in the World in an advert for Dos equis beer, in which the narrator describes increasing incredulous activities Johnathon has done.
Who is the Most Interesting Man in the World
These Nations share the smallest border in the world ever since 1934 when a sandstorm created a 74 meter wide isthmus connecting these nations.
What are Morocco and Spain
East Francia was inherited by this grandson of Charlemagne and third son of Louis the Pious.
Louis The II or The German
What team won the very first NBA game in 1946?
Who are The New York Knicks
This is the Year Twinkies were invented.
When is 1930