Ancient Middle East
Modern Middle East
World War I
19th Century Europe
1980s Africa

Which city is considered the holiest city in Islam and is the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad?

Mecca is the holiest city in Islam and the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad. It is the site of the Kaaba and the destination of the Hajj pilgrimage.


Which major conflict, also known as the October War, took place in 1973 between Israel and a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria?

The Yom Kippur War, also called the October War, was a conflict in 1973 where Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack on Israel during the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur.


The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914, by this young man is considered the immediate cause of World War I.

Gavrillo Princip of the Black Hand group in Serbia


Which leader ruled over the British Empire from 1837 to 1901?

Queen Victoria


What is the name of the system of racial segregation that was in place in South Africa until the early 1990s?

Apartheid was the system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination that was enforced by the South African government from 1948 until the early 1990s.


Which ancient city, located in present-day Jordan, is famous for its rock-cut architecture and served as the capital of the Nabataean Kingdom?

Petra, also known as the "Rose City," was a major trading hub in ancient times, and its stunning rock-carved temples and tombs remain a popular archaeological site today.


What was the official name of the Ottoman Sultanate after it became a modern republic in 1923?

After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the country was officially renamed Turkey in 1923, becoming a republic under Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.


Which country switched sides in 1915 from the Triple Alliance to join the Allies?

Italy initially allied with Germany and Austria-Hungary but joined the Allies in 1915 after secret negotiations and the promise of territorial gains.


Who was the architect of German unification in the late 19th century?

Otto von Bismarck was the Prussian statesman who unified the German states through a series of wars and diplomatic moves, culminating in the formation of the German Empire in 1871.


Which country gained independence from British control in 1980, becoming the last African nation to do so during the wave of decolonization?

Zimbabwe gained independence from British colonial rule in 1980 after a long liberation struggle, with Robert Mugabe becoming its first Prime Minister.


Which major canal in Egypt, completed in 1869, connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea?

The Suez Canal is a critical waterway for international trade, allowing ships to bypass the lengthy journey around the southern tip of Africa.


Which Middle Eastern country underwent a civil war from 1975 to 1990, deeply divided along religious lines, including Christian, Sunni, and Shia factions?

Lebanon's civil war was driven by religious and political divisions, with multiple factions, including Christian, Sunni, Shia, and Druze groups, fighting for power.


What was the major 1916 battle between French and German forces that lasted over 300 days and became one of the longest and bloodiest battles of World War I?

The Battle of Verdun was a brutal and prolonged battle on the Western Front, symbolizing the horrors of trench warfare.


Daily Double

What was the 19th-century conflict between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, France, and Britain that resulted in a decisive Russian defeat in 1856?

The Crimean War was fought from 1853 to 1856, with Russia facing a coalition of the Ottoman Empire, Britain, and France.


A devastating famine took place where in the mid-1980s, drawing global attention and humanitarian aid efforts?

The Ethiopian famine of 1983-1985, exacerbated by drought and civil conflict, led to widespread starvation and death, prompting international relief efforts.


What was the name of the Muslim empire that ruled parts of India from the 16th to the 19th century and included much of modern-day Pakistan and Afghanistan?

The Mughal Empire was a powerful Islamic dynasty that controlled much of the Indian subcontinent, blending Persian, Islamic, and Indian cultures.


In 1991, the U.S.-led coalition launched Operation Desert Storm to liberate which Middle Eastern country after it was invaded by Iraq?

Operation Desert Storm was the military response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990, leading to the Gulf War, which successfully expelled Iraqi forces.


What was the name of the German military strategy that aimed to quickly defeat France before turning to fight Russia?

The Schlieffen Plan was Germany’s strategic plan to avoid a two-front war by quickly defeating France before turning east to face Russia.


Which European country experienced the Revolutions of 1848, leading to a series of uprisings across the continent?

The Revolutions of 1848 started in France and quickly spread across Europe, with various nationalist and liberal movements challenging monarchies and authoritarian regimes.


In 1987, the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale was a significant conflict during which African civil war, also involving South African and Cuban forces?

The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale was a key battle during the Angolan Civil War, involving Cuban-backed Angolan forces against South African and UNITA forces.


Which ancient civilization, known for its ziggurats and cuneiform writing, was centered in the region of present-day Iraq?

The Sumerians were one of the earliest civilizations, known for developing the first writing system, cuneiform, and constructing large step-pyramids called ziggurats.



In 1978, Egypt and Israel signed the Camp David Accords in the USA, leading to a peace treaty the following year. Name 2 of the 3 leaders present. 


What was the name of the treaty that marked Russia’s exit from World War I?

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed between Soviet Russia and the Central Powers in 1918, ending Russia's involvement in the war and ceding large territories.


What was the name of the peace agreement that ended the Franco-Prussian War in 1871, leading to the proclamation of the German Empire?

The Treaty of Frankfurt ended the Franco-Prussian War in 1871, resulting in the unification of Germany and the cession of Alsace-Lorraine to the new German Empire.


Which country was involved in a territorial dispute with Libya over the Aouzou Strip in the 1980s, eventually winning a case in the International Court of Justice?

The Aouzou Strip dispute between Chad and Libya in the 1980s was settled by the International Court of Justice in 1994, with the strip awarded to Chad.
