The NASA-operated space center in Houston bears the name of this former president
Who is (Lyndon B.) Johnson?
The minute hand on a watch travels this many degrees from noon to 12:30
What is 180?
It was also known as the Millennium Bug
What is Y2K?
Pizza with pineapple and ham is called this
What is Hawaiian?
You get there via rabbit hole
What is Wonderland?
This was discovered at Spindletop in 1901, bringing the entire United States into the this age
What is oil?
If Joe, John, and Jeff are three members of a jury, they make up this percentage of the total number of jurors
What is 25?
This intergovernmental forum includes Canada, Italy, Japan, and the UK
What is G7?
If someone is waiting in a line in London, they're in one of these
What is a queue?
Winkie, Gillikin, Quadling, and Munchkin are the four countries of this place
What is Oz?
Houston is the fourth-most populous city in the US, this is the fifth
What is Phoenix?
There are 30 magazines on the table and 30% as many newspapers, or this amount
What is 9?
"astromech hero" and "plucky droid" have been used to describe this sci-fi icon
Who is R2-D2?
If cheese is well melted, then it can be described as this
What is gooey?
Tunisia was the shooting location for this "wretched" Star Wars location
What is Mos Eisley?
This Houston school was redesignated as a university in 1960
What is Rice?
If the bathroom is 37 paces away and I use it every commercial break, I would take this many steps in a 5-break show
What is 370?
Arnold's "Judgement Day" is also known, familiarly, by this name
What is T2?
"bang" and "crash" are examples of these
What are onomatopoeia?
The desert planet Arrakis is commonly referred to as this
What is Dune?
Stretches of this highway in Houston can have up to 26 lanes, making it one of the longest in the world
What is Interstate-10?
If a is equal to 24, then c is equal to this
a + 68 = b, 182 - b = c
What is 90?
If the US Army gives you this designation, they don't want you
Commonly found in chemical equations, it means containing water
What is aqueous?
It is bordered on the east by the Eastern Ocean and by River Shribble on the North
What is Narnia?