Chill out by Taku Glacier, southeast of downtown
Dave had a place with games near the restaurant of a guy with this nickname; the 2 teamed up in 1982
He & Jimmy Fallon covered "The History of Rap"
Justin Timberlake
In 1613 the Romanov family came to power in this country & ruled until 1917
I've decided to participate; I'm throwing this item "into the ring"
A hat
Honestly, the Lincoln Home National Historic Site is there
This ice cream chain is named for brothers-in-law Burt & Irv
Baskin Robbins
In addition to her own videos, you can also see clips of her on "Dancing With the Stars"
Bethany Mota
DAILY DOUBLE: Her marriage to John Rolfe was the Virginia social event of 1614
Look at the size of you! You're "growing like" one of these normally unwelcome plants
A weed
Get your choir on at the Latter-Day Saints Conference Center
Salt Lake City
Fancy British cars were born after 1904, when Charles Stewart Rolls got into business with this Henry
The Vlogbrothers have over 3 million subscribers; one brother is this bestselling author of Y.A. novels
John Green
Hits of the stage included Moliere's "L'Avare", French for this type of greedy, money-obsessed man
A miser
That pair is so alike, they're like these, a pair of legumes together
Peas in a pod
Plant yourself at the Roger Williams Park Botanical Center
This bookstore chain traces its roots to 1873 & a book business in Wheaton, Illinois
Barnes & Noble
Among the music videos spoofed on Shane Dawson's channel are One Direction's "Story Of My Life" & her "Wrecking Ball"
Mikey Cyrus
It was founded in Massachusetts in 1636 & if you didn't get in, your college options were very limited
We're doing it, no matter what, "come hell or" this other condition
High Water
Three Mile Island is a powerful nearby site to see
Harrisburg Pennsylvania
In 2018 the music video for this Spanish megahit sung by Luis Fonsi became the first video with over 5 billion views
European settlement in South Africa began with the wreck of a Dutch ship rounding this cape in 1647
The Cape Of Good Hope
You can do this for exercise, or to "your memory"
To jog