This is the largest temple
There are this many Articles of Faith
What is 13
This is the standard mission length for sisters
What is 18 months
General Conference is this many times per year
What is 2
These are the four standard works
What are the Book of Mormon, Bible, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price
The first temple outside of the U.S. was built here
Where is Canada (Cardston, Alberta)
The 1st Article of Faith is about this
What is the Godhead
This section of the Doctrine and Covenants is often called the "missionary section"
What is D&C 4
General Conference is held in this city
Where is Salt Lake City
This is the longest book in the Book of Mormon
What is the book of Alma
The phrase above the door of every temple
What is "Holiness to the Lord"
This Article of Faith doesn't start with "We believe"
What is the 11th Article of Faith ("We claim")
This is the name of the missionary manual
What is Preach My Gospel
The Conference Center was completed this year (plus or minus 10 years)
What is the year 2000 (1990 - 2010)
The Book of Mormon was written in the language
What is Reformed Egyptian
The first temple west of the Mississippi
What is the St. George Utah Temple (dedicated on April 6, 1877)
This Article of Faith discusses the Atonement for Adam's transgressions
What is the 2nd Article of Faith
The first LDS missionary to preach in England
Who is Heber C. Kimball
The first General Conference broadcasted on the radio in this year (plus or minus 15 years)
What is 1924 (1909 - 1939)
They were the Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon
Who are Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris
The first temple dedicated in the state of Utah
What is the Ogden Utah Temple (St. George, Logan, Manti, Salt Lake dedicated before, but Utah didn't gain statehood until January 4, 1896)
This Article of Faith discusses continuing revelation
What is the 9th Article of Faith
The first official LDS Missionary
Who is Samuel Smith
One of the two most prolific speakers in General Conference since 1942
Who are either Gordon B. Hinckley or Thomas S. Monson (more than 200 talks each)
There are this many words in the current edition of the Book of Mormon (plus or minus 50,000 words)
269,518 words (219,518 - 319,518)