This person volunteers at an animal rescue
This person picked up cycling
This person lives near three active Drive-In Theatres
This person is a motorcycle enthusiast
This person's first car was a Trabant made in East Germany and it was made from hard cardboard
This is the largest animal in the world
This person got better at cooking
This person has surfed in Costa Rica, Hawaii, Florida and California
This person is a philatelist (stamp collector) and numismatist (coins collector)
Sir Brad
DAILY DOUBLE: This person's parents were born on the same day, in the same year, at the same hospital.
This person grew up on a small farm and raised all different types of animals
Brad Losurdo
This person became a realtor
This person can survive by drinking Coke
More people visit this country than any other country in the world (think pre-Covid)
France - 89 Million Visitors
This profession is known to be the oldest in the world
Dentistry - One study found evidence of teeth being drilled in skulls that dates from 7,500 to 9,000 years ago. The holes were likely made using a prehistoric bow-drill. Other research on a 14,000-year-old skull found that "one rotten tooth in the jaw had been deliberately scoured and scraped with a tool," according to the BBC.
This is a crazy cat person: has 5 cats and a spouse named...Kat
This is the most popular pandemic hobby, according to Google search results
Watching tv shows and movies
This person loves music and keeps up an amateur interest in playing the guitar
This chess piece can only move diagonally
A bishop
This person can easily carry a 25 to 30 Kgs backpack throughout a mountain trek for 12 days at an altitude of over 4000 meters
This is the tallest animal in the world
The giraffe - the average giraffe stands 14 to 19 feet (4.3 to 5.8 meters) tall, according to National Geographic
DAILY DOUBLE: This person started hip hop dance classes
This planet is the hottest in the solar system
This person writes free verse and nonfiction personal essays
This person has mastered playing golf with one hand (and does better than with two!)