On this day God brought the waters of the oceans, lakes and rivers into order under heaven.
What is day two or second day? 1
Father of Samson.
Who is Manoah? 14
Survivor of Jonathan who was taken in by King David.
Who is Mephibosheth 21
The bad king who turned good son of Hezekiah.
Who is Manasseh? 23
He spoke against the wicked king Ahab.
Who is Elijah. 24*
Flowers, shrubs and trees were created on this day.
What is day three or third day? 1
Judge who had a secret place to grow wheat.
Who is Gideon? 15
David was king of Judah in the south after Saul's death, but Saul's son was king of Israel in the north.
Who is Ishbosheth? 21
This man was ordered by king Nebuchadnezzar to gather and destroy all the wise men in Babylon.
Who is Arioch or the king's captain? 31
This man was the prophet during the time of King Uzziah, King Jotham, King Ahaz, King Hezekiah.
Who is Isaiah? 27
Sowing these together Adam and Eve made a covering for themselves in the garden.
What are fig leaves? 2
Two evil sons of Eli.
Who are Phinehas and Hophni? 17,18
When David became king over all Israel he took this city.
What is Jerusalem? 21
Considered to be the last Judge.
Who is Samuel? 18
King's helper that rebuilt the wall around Jerusalem.
Who is Nehemiah? 35
Killed Able his brother.
Who is Cain? 2
Led a 300 man army and defeated an army of 32,000.
Who is Gideon? 15
When David was dying this son declared to Israel that he would be king.
Who is Adonijah? 22
Woman was was turned into a pillar of salt because she looked back.
Who is Lot's wife? 4
A prophet known as the man of tears, also wrote Lamentations.
Who is Jeremiah? 28
Name of the city where people built a tower and God made people speak different languages.
What or where is Babel? 4
Samson used this dead animal bone to kill 1000 of the enemy.
What is the jawbone of a donkey? 14
This man told King David the story of the man with one little lamb.
Who is Nathan 21
Army commander from Syria that came to Elisha to be healed of Leprosy.
What is Naaman? 25
Slave Queen who saved her people from death.
Who is Esther or Queen Esther? 30