The type of reproduction in which an organism can regenerate and form another organism when cut in half
What is asexual?
This is the smallest living unit on Earth.
What is a cell?
More explanation:
Remember, all cells are or were once living--both eukaryotes and prokaryotes.
Which Kingdom does this organism belong?
What is Fungi?
More explanation:
Remember, mushrooms are decomposers--a type of heterotroph.
All fungi are heterotrophic and do not use photosynthesis--they feed off others and do not make their own food; therefore, they DO NOT have GREEN structures like plants.
True or False?
Protists can reproduce sexually and have eggs.
What is TRUE!
More explanation: (Scroll to see BOTH pictures!)
Protists such as slime molds and green algae can reproduce sexually with eggs involved in this process. Since they are plant-like, they can go through photosynthesis and be green in color.
Slime molds used to be classified as Fungi, but now are considered part of the Protista Kingdom.
True or False?
Only the stem and leaves of a flower are made of cells.
What is false.
More explanation:
All parts of a flower contain cells.
How does this organism get nourishment?
What is heterotrophic (feeding off others)?
True or false?
Eukaryotes contain genetic material, but prokaryotes do not conatin genetic material.
What is false?
More explanation:
All living things (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) contain genetic material.
Eukaryotes keep DNA in nucleus, while prokaryotes have free floating DNA (and have no nucleus).
This domain contains plants.
What is Domain Eukarya.
Remember, plants are in Kingdom Plantae; however, Domain Eukarya contains 4 kingdoms: Protista, Fungi, Plantae, & Animalia.
I am eukaryotic, autotrophic, multicellular, and have a cell wall.
I am in this kingdom.
What is Kingdom Plantae?
Prokaryotes do not have this "brain-like" controlling organelle.
What is a nucleus?
Number of cells in each organism below?
What is one or unicellular?
This image below is multicellular (pick one).
What is image 2?
More explanation:
Image 1 is strep bacteria. It looks multicellular--only because they are ball-shaped and BUDDING--cloning themselves.
Image 2 is skin from an onion, a multicellular plant--composed of many cells.
These are the 2 differences between Kingdom plantae & animalia.
What are cell walls (plantae only) and mode of nourishment--can say plantae are autotrophic OR animalia are heterotrophic?
YOU must mention cell wall (or no cell wall--for animals) AND their type of nourishment. All points or none.
This is the kingdom for these organisms.
What is protista?
I am eukaryotic, heterotrophic, do not have cell walls, and reproduce sexually.
I am in this kingdom.
What is kingdom animalia?
More explanation:
Remember, this includes people and "animals" as we know them:)
Is this hydra below prokaryotic or eukaryotic?
What is eukaryotic?
More explanation:
It is multicellular. Remember, prokaryotes are simple and come in 3 primary shapes:
ALL prokaryotes are unicellular.
What is true?
More explanation:
All prokaryotes MUST be unicellular, while eukaryotes may be unicellular or multicellular.
I am unicellular, have a nucleus, and NO cell wall.
This is my kingdom.
What is kingdom protista?
More explanation:
Remember protistas are unicellular, eukaryotes (have a nucleus), and usually do not have a cell wall.
I live in the deep sea hydrothermal vents where temperatures soar.
What are archaeabacteria?
(thermophiles is an ok answer too)
More explanation:
Remember, archaeabacteria live in harsh environments where nothing else living could survive.
I am in this kingdom.
What is Kingdom Protista?
More explanation: This is a picture of a paramecium, which is a unicellular protista organism that lives in the water.
Main defining characteristics between these two.
What is one has a nucleus containing DNA (eukaryote), other has free floating DNA (prokaryote)?
The main characteristics difference between mushroom and grass.
Mushroom is heterotrophic and grass is autotrophic.
More explanation:
Mushroom is heterotrophic because it acts as a decomposer while grass is autotrophic because it feeds itself through photosynthesis.
My name is yeast. I am unicellular, feed off others, I have a cell wall, and a nucleus.
This is my kingdom.
What is fungi?
Remember, Fungi can be unicellular or multicellular, depending on organism.
What domain and kingdom are the following organisms categorized?
Football: What is domain eukarya & kingdom animalia?
Strep A Bacteria: What is domain bacteria & kingdom eubacteria.
YOU MUST get all pieces correct to get ANY points! It's all or nothing:)
These are the domains with each of their kingdoms (name ALL).
*MUST get ALL domains and their correct kingdoms to receive ANY points.
What is...
Domain Archaea: Kingdom Archaeabacteria
Domain Bacteria: Kingdom Eubacteria
Domain Eukarya: Kingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia
Points are all or nothing:)