Women who led the French against the English
Joan of Arc
BONUS: How did she die?
The 2 countries involved in the 100 Year War
France and England
Merchants were blamed for bringing this
Black Plague
BONUS: How was it spread?
This country kept its independence from Spain
Tennis balls
BONUS: What did Henry do?
Name the 2 princes imprisoned in this Tower of London
Edward and Richard
BONUS: Who imprisoned them?
What happened to them?
The last part of Spain under Muslim rule
2 sides of the War of roses?
Lancastrians v. Yorks
First Explorer of the Sea of Darkness
Henry V wo this final battle against the Frencch
Battle of Agincourt
Instrument which measures how far the North Star is above the horizon?
Who was the Prince of Portugal who loved the Sea?
Henry the Navigator
BONUS: What did he explore?
Who defeated the Muslim’s in Spain?
Ferdinand and Isabella?
How sailors knew how fast they were going?
Counting knots on rope