Harder Vocab

Unplanned;Casual;Chosen without method.

What is Random? 

(I seriously have no idea how to make the question and now I shall take a moment to bless whoever made Google)


Who was the person Petra dreamt of?

What is 'The Lady Writing'?

(That's a stupid title. I honestly thought artists were creative and imaginative but then the title just came smacking you down like Valley smacking you every time you sit on her and saying "IT'S FREE REAL ESTATE") 


Who was the kid Calder and his friend talked about?

What is Frog?

(Who nicknames their child Frog? Do you really hate him that much?)


Antonym of singularity.

What is plurality? 

(Evelyne was screaming at my ear when she saw the word singularity. Help donate money for my now deaf ear.)


What did Petra's father seemed irritated about in chapters 8 and 9?

What is the letter?

(If it's a letter announcing that he has to go for a business trip I get why he is irritated.)


A moment in your life that happened so randomly, the timing and action was perfect. Maybe two things that are connected by accident????

What is coincidence?

(I almost wrote serendipity but decided not to because you poor, poor children won't know the definition of it.)


Where did Petra find 'Lo!'?

What is Powell's? 

(What does Lo! even stand for. It should be a question. Like, 'Lo?'. Sounds like us asking what the meaning of a derogatory is. *By the way it's like disrespecting if you're asking*)


Where did Calder's friend live now? 

What is New York?

(I have never been there and I'm jealous of Evelyne)


Righteous; Honest; Moral.

What is honourable?

(What isn't honourable is that you're probably fighting like a rabid pack of animals for a game.)


What did Petra and Calder decide to list?

What is strange conspiracies that happened on pure coincidence?

(Why are children trying to investigate a detective case? Don't they fear of getting hurt in the process?)


An emotion, sort of like pity. You might feel this emotion if someone's dog died????? (Yeah, they do that.) Awkward moment by the way.

What is sympathetic?

(I simply can't feel sympathy like a normal human being??????)


What was the Andalee household like?

What is a noisy, messy and a house that looks like a pigsty?

(Evelyne's room)


What did Calder seemed shocked about in Mrs.Sharpe's house?

What is 'The Geographer'? 

(Or painting, I don't know. If you were able to explain it better than I can than wow. I'm applauding for you.)


Happens so quickly; In a blink of an eye.

What is Instantaneous? 

(I have to talk jokes about BTS in front of Evelyne instantaneously so she won't hear me and hit me.)


Why did Mrs.Sharpe asked for police protection?

What is 'She received a letter from the thief'?

(Kids, take that advice. Get the police if someone creepy tries to threaten you.)


An uncontrollable feeling. That feeling Evelyne has when she looks at Jimin... 's abs.

What is passion?

(Evelyne was giving me the stink eye help????? I don't wanna die today????? I still want to at least play a match of Super Smash Bros??? Oh no she's hurting me.)


Describe her personality. The answers may vary. 

What is Determined;Curious;Peculiar;Bookish?

(That's like everything I want to be but cannot achieved because of my lazy personality.)


Y:2 V:1 F:3 - F:1 T:2 P:1 - F:3 L:2 W:2 - P:1 X:2 P:1 I:2 - V:1 P:1 T:2 P:1?

What is 'Why are you even here?'

(Don't answer back with a 'Because I was forced to come to school'. This is a rhetorical question.)


Deformed. Like those memes where you go??????????????????? *distorted images*

What is distorted?

(I swear if you got it wrong. I gave a clue. Actually, no. The answer. It's right there.)


Why did Petra and Calder have a fundraising event? (They sold brownies)

What is helping Tommy and his Mother after his step-father left him?

(Wow. What a huge son of a gun. See kids, never marry a man or a woman like this.)


A homonym of that shallow water that can drag you at the least expected in the ocean. Like Evelyne dragging you whenever she sees another fellow ARMY. 

What is Undercurrent?

(I honestly forgot which was homonym and homophone this is primary stuff. I'm a child at heart. Someone help me.)


If you were to meet her, what would you most likely say? What would you do? Or are you just gonna stand there slapping yourself reminding that she's a book character? By the way if you try to answer the last question and find a loophole you're gonna get minus point.

What is 'answers vary'. Look at me, giving out bonus questions. 

(If only Pewdiepie would bring back bonus meme...)


Who gave Calder his first set of pentominoes?

What is his cousin?

(These formats of questions make the answer sound like his cousin is an alien or something.)


Average; Ordinary; Not intriguing

What is Mediocre?

(The only thing mediocre here is Valley's love for You-Know-Who [No, not Voldemort] comparing it to V.) 


What had become a worldwide phenomenon?

What is the taking of portraits or paintings from museums and people as hostage for the people of the world to learn things?

(I didn't know how to explain this answer too. So answers may vary if they have the same concept.)
