Biblical Foundations

Traditional Marks of the Church
What is the Church?
One Body, Many Parts AND The Universal Ministry

In Luke 2:41-52 Jesus’ answer to His parents who were seeking Him: Did you not know that…

What is "...I must be in my Father’s house?"


In describing the Church as ONE, this is very important... as affirmed by Jesus in John 17.

What is: Unity


The Church is the community of all true believers that is gathered for this amount of time.

What is: ALL time.


This will edify the rest of the body and serve Christ effectively.

What is: Each part of the body must understand its function and perform it well. As we serve faithfully, we enhance the church’s service to the world.


Luke 4:16 comments on Jesus’ going to the synagogue, saying that it was this.

What is: It was His custom.


When describing the Church as HOLY, it is understood that it is not by ____, but by the __________

What is: Not by good works, but by our Holy God / process of growth and maturity


The term that describes unity and cooperation among Christians.

What is: Ecumenism


Anderson states that we cannot act in isolation, but must do this.

What is: Work in harmony and coordinate with other parts.


A rather dramatic episode in Jesus’ life involved His passion for the Temple. His actions included…

What is: Cleansing of the Temple – made a whip to drive out the moneychangers, upset their tables.


When describing the Church as CATHOLIC, this is what is meant.

What is: Universal, worldwide


The purposes of the Church involve ministry in these three areas.

What is: Ministry to God, to Believers, and to the World


It is crucial for all who are part of the Body of Christ to remain connected to this.

What is: The Head – which is Jesus Christ.


Several symbols given in the Bible portray images of the Church. Specifically included are these three.

What is: Any of these: Bride of Christ, Body of Christ, God’s Temple our House, New Community, Fellowship, People of God.


When describing the Church as APOSTOLIC, it refers to this.

What is: Founded on the apostles, their teaching (tradition) and creeds.


The Church is made successful by this.

What is: By God. He makes the church successful as His living witness.


Anderson challenges the readers to respond as faithfully as this person did.

What is: Mary


The Church can be defined as this.

What is: The Community of all true believers for all time. Local and universal it is the whole people of God called out of the world, called together, created for fellowship with God and with one another.


(Without looking at the previous answers) The four traditional marks of the Church.

What is: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic


The Church is God’s people doing these five major things together.

What is: Worshiping, Learning, Being, Serving, Reaching Out


Anderson states it is important to follow the Holy Spirit in including leadership from these groups.

What is: Young and old, male and female, all who feel called to Christian ministry
