What are The 4 Think Together Agreements?
Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Have Fun
How long is enrichment?
Half an Hour/30 minutes/1,800 seconds
They keep track of behavior, positive = clip up/ Negative = clip down
How long is CATCH?
30 minutes, Half an Hour, 1/48th of a Day
When do you wear your nametags?
All day except CATCH
What is Debrief
Questions about what you just did (in each and every component)
When should you wear your masks?
Indoors (Except when eating)
What's our theme for this year?
What do PLs use to acknowledge positive behavior? (Name 3)
Behavior Chart, AstroBucks, Tickets, Class Points, Class Parties, Walkie Praise
How do Program Leaders acknowledge negative behavior?
Behavior Chart, Conversation with students, Reflection sheet, Behavior notification, No club/activities, Talk with parent.
Where are emergency supplies? (Masks, band-aids, etc)
In the Program Leader's Carts
How are homework cards used?
Flip to red when you need help, it stays on green when you don't need help.
How many types of enrichment do we have?
Eight. (STEM, Healthy Living, Learning support, Social Emotional Learning, Youth Development, Mindfulness, Life Skills, Etc)
What is the normal schedule of a day in Think Together?
Supper, Homework, Catch, Enrichment, Closing?
Who is allowed to pick you up from Think Together?
People on Emergency Contact List
Name 3 enrichment lessons you did this year.
(Free answer)
What is your catch routine?
Warm up/Stretch, then main activity, then cooldown activity.
What are the 3 main non-negotiables?
Line of sight, Checking ID's, Nametags
What is your seating chart for homework?
Why do you sit in the places you do?
Students from the same class help each other with Homework
What is 15 minutes of success?
15 minutes of quiet time doing homework by yourself before asking for help
What are different subjects for enrichment?
STEM, VAPA, Healthy Living, Learning support, Mindfulness, SEL, Youth Development, Life Skills
What is spotlight?
The different lessons we do for enrichment.
What is the objective?
What we WILL learn during the lesson
How long are you given to finish homework?
1 hour, 3600 seconds, 1/8750th of a year
Why do we do enrichment?
To be college and career ready!