The first LOTR movie and a popular hard candy you attach to your finger
Fellowship of the ring pop
These jedi aren't on the jedi council name three,
This man is the goat also know to be my sunshine
Who is LeBron James
This artist loves California and wants you to light up the night
Who is Katy Perry
These two land plants are the only ones that can grow on sand in Minecraft (name both)
What are cacti and sugar cane
The spokesman of a very capitalist board game and how to access the sewers
The Monopoly man hole
This planet is home to Padme Amidala from also know for a yellow and silver starfighter
Where is Naboo
This pig man won't stop calling me
Who is john Pork
This genre of music is defined by bands like Hall and Oates and America
What is Yacht Rock
This can plant any type of tree in terraria
What is an acorn
Band that made “come a little closer” and an idiom meaning an obvious topic that needs to be talked about
Cage the elephant in the room
This brother of Darth Maul's helped him take Mandalore
Who is Savage Opress
This brand of speaker is used to blast Fetty Wop
What is JBL
This band is “Hooked on a feeling” repopularized when featured in the movie Guardians of the galaxy
Who is Blue Suede
This plant allows you to place other plants into the water to fend off zombies
What is a lilypad
A movie where a kid has Hitler as an imaginary friend and a obscure food in Minecraft
JoJo Rabbit stew
Fives tried to warn the jedi about order 66 but was killed by this clone commander
Who is Commander Fox, CT-0000/1010
This youtuber is known for having a massive forehead often covered up with a bandana
Who is KSI
Name a band from the grunge genre of rock popular in the 90s
These crops can’t be walked through in a the hit game stardew valley(name one)
what are Grapes, Beans and Hops
Father to Bronny James and Saul Goodman's birth name
LeBron James McGill
These storage devices are used by both the jedi and sith that can only be opened by the force. The jedi’s is a cube and the siths is a pyramid
What is a Holocron
This is where you might take her to “freak it”
Where is my penthouse
This band knows when to let the beat drop known for songs such as “brass monkey” and “no sleep till brooklyn”
Who are the Beastie Boys
This is the name of the plant that must be fed human blood to keep growing in a popular movie/musical from 1986
Who is Audrey 2