sports teams
this sport team is phillidelphia
what is the phillidelphia flyers
This store has a bullsye
What is target
what is this flag
what is brunel
this team has a gator as the mascot
what is greenwood high
This store has a m
What is macdonalds
🇪🇬 what is this flag
What is egypt
this team has a bulldog as a mascot
what is gonzaga
This store has a bg
What is bg home furnishings
🇧🇧 what is this flag
What is Barbidos
this team has a tree as the logo
what is stanford
this store has a bee
what is mister bs
🇪🇪 what is this flag
What is estwanti
this team is in new jersey
what is army
this store is super long
what is mier
🇦🇴 what is this flag
what is angola