Global Pop Culture
Campus Life
Health & Self-Care
Women’s Achievements
American Trivia

This South Korean boy band, known for their massive fan base, became a global sensation with songs like “Dynamite.”

Who are BTS?


These student groups are focused on academic, social, or cultural interests and allow students to meet others with similar hobbies.

What are student clubs (or societies)?


This traditional Japanese practice, involving warm baths and hot springs, is known for its relaxing and stress-relieving effects.

What is onsen?


This woman was the first female governor of Tokyo and has played a significant role in shaping Japanese politics.

Who is Yuriko Koike?


This iconic American landmark, located in New York City, is a symbol of freedom and democracy and was a gift from France to the United States.

What is the Statue of Liberty?


This social media platform has gained popularity for its photo-sharing and stories, but is also used by influencers for brand promotions

What is Instagram?


This event is held at the beginning of each academic year to introduce new students to campus resources and organizations.

What is orientation (or welcome week)?


This type of diet, focused on plant-based foods, has grown in popularity for its environmental benefits and health effects.

What is a vegan or plant-based diet?


This Japanese tennis player made history by winning the 2018 US Open, becoming the first Japanese player to win a Grand Slam title.

Who is Naomi Osaka?


This American city, known for its entertainment industry and home to Hollywood, is famous for its film and television studios.

What is Los Angeles?


This short-video platform is known for sparking viral dance challenges and trends among students.

What is TikTok?


This major annual event at Japanese universities showcases student performances, food stalls, and club activities, attracting visitors from the community.

What is a school festival?


This activity, involving slow stretches and deep breathing, is often practiced for flexibility and mental clarity.

What is yoga?


This Swedish climate activist, famous for her "Fridays for Future" movement, has inspired youth globally to take action against climate change, including in Japan.

Who is Greta Thunberg?


This American TV show, known for its long-running popularity and focus on the lives of six friends in New York City, became a global phenomenon.

What is Friends?


This singer’s "Eras Tour" sparked global excitement and broke numerous box office records, showcasing her 10-album discography.

Who is Taylor Swift?


This type of housing, often provided by the university, allows students to live on or near campus with other students.

What are dormitories?


This term refers to the balance of work, study, and leisure time, often promoted as key to maintaining mental and physical health.

What is work-life balance?


This American actress and humanitarian has worked with the UN Refugee Agency for years and is globally recognized for her work in human right.

Who is Angelina Jolie?


This American civil rights leader is known for his "I Have a Dream" speech and played a pivotal role in advancing racial equality.

Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?


This British actress and activist is known for her role as Hermione in the Harry Potter films and for advocating for gender equality.

Who is Emma Watson?


This student activity, often unpaid but valuable for gaining experience, can lead to job opportunities after graduation.

What is an internship?


This mental health condition, characterized by chronic stress, exhaustion, and loss of motivation, is common among students.

What is burnout?


This former German chancellor, known for her long tenure and leadership, is globally respected, for her approach to governance and gender equality.

Who is Angela Merkel?


This American landmark, located in South Dakota, features the carved faces of four U.S. Presidents and is a popular tourist attraction.

What is Mount Rushmore?
