King's College Knowledge
Basic Knowledge
Roommate 101
Risky Business
College Life Skills
The mascot for King's is this ferocious animal.
What is a lion.
He is the VP of the United States.
Who is Joe Biden.
If you have a sloppy roommate you should...
What is confront the mess without being hostile, be specific about what needs to change, be clear about your space vs. theirs
Willingness of a person to engage in sexual behavior
What is Consent
The amount of hours of sleep recommended a night for the average adult
What is 7-8 hours
In what year was King's College founded?
What is 1946.
Posting and/or taking pictures of others without their permission
What are potentially illegal actions that may violate King's Social Media policy
If you have a roommate that is noisy, you should...
What is compromise on ground rules and times when it is ok and not ok to be loud, both use headphones or earbuds when listenting to music, make use of the study/quiet lounge or library
Gina has been at a party. She has been drinking. She becomes rather disoriented abruptly, she wakes up in the morning in a place she doesnt remember going to. She is confused and cannot recall many details of the night. There is a possibility that she injested this.
What is "date rape" drug, roofies, etc
Seperate colors, select the right temperature, measure the correct amount of soap, don't wait until you go home for fall break to get it all done...
What is how to do your laundry
How many majors does King's College offer?
What is 50 majors.
Prof - sorri i missed claS 2day. I wz feelin sick. Try to mAk it NXT wk.
What is an inappropriate email to send to your professor
If your roommate is overly social and "clingy" you should...
What is communicate when you need time to yourself, know that is ok to say "no" if you don't want to hang out, have clear boundaries
Rob and Brianna are both drinking heavily at a party and are both equally intoxicated. They go back to Brianna's room and get romantic. What is something that neither of them can grant?
What is Consent for sexual activity
What is the average credit card debt carried by college undergrad students
The principles that guide King's are....
What are faith and trust
Percentage of employers who "google" you or check social media sites prior to interviewing/hiring
What is 37% (according to survey done by Harris Interactive in 2012 for
If you have a roomate who helps themself to your stuff, you should...
What is confront without being hostile, be clear about what is off-limits and what is "shared property", voice that you expect them to ask permission if they want to borrow your things - TALK TO YOUR RA IF IT CONTINUES
Five or more drinks on a single occassion...
What is binge drinking
The office on campus where you can go if you are struggling with emotional or personal problems
What is the the counseling center, located in the Adminsitration Building, room 620
King's was originally founded to educate the sons of these two types of workers.
What are coal miners and mill workers.
Oxford dictionary's Word of the Year for 2013...
What is SELFIE - a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typcially one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website - definition from Oxford Dictionary online
If you have a roommate who is rude, obnixioius or just plain mean, you should...
What is speak up about what you don't like, do NOT stoop to their level, ask your RA to help resolve the conflict or mediate, if all else fails then pursue a room change as last resort
Mental confusion or stupor, coma or person cannot be roused, Vomiting, Seizures, Slow breathing (fewer than eight breaths per minute), Irregular breathing (10 seconds or more between breaths), Hypothermia (low body temperature), bluish skin color, paleness
What is signs of alcohol poisoning
Hours you can go to the library
What is Mon-Thurs 8am-11pm Friday 8am-9pm Saturday 10am-5pm Sunday 10am-11pm