This type of anemia causes microcytic cells with a low MCV.
This disorder results from a deficiency in clotting factor VIII.
What is Hemophilia A?
A Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction involves the excessive release of this chemical mediator.
What is histamine?
What is hypovolemic shock?
Silvery, scaly plaques are indicative of this dermatologic condition.
What is psoriasis?
A patient with pernicious anemia lacks this.
What is intrinsic factor?
The risk for bleeding & petechiae with thrombocytopenia increases significantly when platelets fall below this level.
What is 20,000?
This is the correct classification for a patient with HIV who has a CD4 count of 180 cells/mm³.
What is Stage 3, AIDS?
A patient who is warm, tachycardic, and tachypneic is likely experiencing the early stages of this type of shock.
Painful vesicular eruptions along a dermatome is the characteristic finding of this dermatologic condition.
What is shingles/herpes zoster?
Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet are symptoms of this type of anemia.
What is B12-deficiency anemia?
This treatment is used as a prophylactic in patients with Von Willebrand disease before dental procedures.
What is Desmopressin?
This is a hallmark symptom of systemic lupus erythematosus.
What is a butterfly or malar rash?
Epinephrine is the first-line medication in this type of shock.
What is anaphylactic shock?
Contact dermatitis is this type of hypersensitivity.
What is a Type 4, T-cell-mediated, delayed hypersensitivity?
This laboratory finding is specific to hemolytic anemia.
What is an elevated bilirubin level or a positive COOMBS test?
Fresh-frozen plasma can be used as a treatment for active bleeding in this x-linked disorder.
What is Hemophilia? (A or B)
When a patient receiving penicillin IV develops dyspnea, hypotension, and stridor, these are the top two nursing priorities.
What are stop the infusion and administer epinephrine?
(Remember: Higher dose of allergen= more severe reaction)
Fluids are administered cautiously in this type of shock.
What is cardiogenic shock?
This dermatologic emergency is a life-threatening reaction often caused by medications.
Aplastic anemia causes pancytopenia. The nurse knows that this is the priority lab value for these patients.
What is the WBC?
(High risk of death from infection with aplastic anemia)
Between fall precautions, bleeding precautions, or infection prevention, this is the priority for patients with bleeding disorders.
What are fall precautions?
(Remember, Queen Victoria's son had Hemophilia B and died from a fall!)
These three diseases are known as the "Atopic Triad" or the "Atopic March."
BP: 88/56 P: 160 RR 26 SpO2 86%
These vital signs indicate this phase/stage of shock.
What is the progressive phase/stage?
Phototherapy is a treatment option for this dermatologic condition.
What is Psoriasis?