We can use this to go faster or slower
" Double Jeopardy"
What is "l'accelerateur"
Il faut que j'aille au cinema.
What is "aller"
I have to leave
Il faut que je parte
Brianna and Ebonii are sad to leave
What is "Brianna et Ebonii sont tristes de partir
What are the two biggest car constructors/manufactors in France
What is " Renault and Peugeot Citroen
We can store lots of valises in this part of the car.
What is le coffre?
Il veut que tu viennes avec lui
What is "venir"
The parents want the students to behave (be good)
Double Jeopardy
Les parents veulent que les élèves soient sage.
Izayah is listening the radio while eating
What is "Izayah ecoute la radio en mangeant"
In which city that the "24 Heures du Mans"takes place in France
What is "Mans"
In order to drive the car, there needs to be de l'essence" in this part of the car
What is "le reservoir" "un reservoir"
Il est necessaire que vous fassiez la cuisine
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What is "Faire"
I have to do my homework
Il faut que je fasse mes devoirs
Solange works to get money
What is "Solange travaille pour gagner de l'argent
In which city and country will the 2024 Summer Olympics be held?
This is used to steer to the left or right or go straight ahead
What's "le volant" "un volant"
Mes parent veulent que je Sois a l'heure
What is "Etre"
Mr. King is happy to go to Paris with his family
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What is " Monsieur King est content d'aller à Paris avec sa famille.
France recently won the World Cup. In what year did they win the World Cup again Croatia
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What is "2018"
What use this to stop or slow down the car when driving
What is "le frein" "un frein"
Il faut qu'il ait un stylo et un stylo
What is "avoir"
Les élèves voudraient que les professeurs soient gentils
Do not leave without putting on your coat
What is " Ne pars pas sans mettre (porter) ton manteau
Which African francophone country will hold the Youth Summer Olympics in 2022
What is "Senegal"