The Obama Family
Wacky Republicans
The Past 3 Years
Before the White House
My Buddy, Barack
Michelle and Barack Obama have two daughters whose names are these
What is Sasha and Malia
This GOP Presidential candidate used to be the CEO of Godfather's Pizza Co.
Who is Herman Cain
The biggest financial reform law since the Great Depression, this act was passed under President Obama in response to bank and loaning practices
What is the Wall Street Reform/Consumer Protection Act
In 1979 President Obama moved to Los Angeles to attend this school
What is Occidental College
This celebrity reality show may be a favorite of his daughters, but President Obama doesn't like them watching it
What is Keeping up With the Kardashians
The family pet, a Portugese water dog, goes by this name, which rhymes with the Vice President's first
What is Bo
This former Speaker of the House and 2012 GOP hopeful once called Supreme Court Justice a 'Latina Woman Racist'
Who is Newt Gingrich
Passed and signed earlier this year by President Obama, this instituted equal pay for women.
What is Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
After transferring from Occidental, Barack majored in political science with a specialty in international relations and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in 1983 from this school
What is Columbia University
Like Shrimp? Well do does Barack, especially in his favorite dish made by Michelle
What is Shrimp Linguini
Barack Obama goes by this code name by the Secret Service
What is Renegade
This former Republican Governor needs no introduction because "Hey, we all can see crazy from our house!"
Who is Sarah Palin
President Obama Increased funding for this Endowment to the highest level since 1992.
What is The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
Before becoming the first Black President of the United States, he was elected the first Black President of this, gaining national media attention and earning him a book deal
What is the Harvard Law Review
President Obama shares this award with people like Britney Spears, Whitney Houston, and Coldplay
What is a Grammy Award
These were the names of President Obama's father and mother
What is Barack Obama Sr. and Ann Dunham
This Republican front runner and former Massachusetts Governor is noted as saying "My view is that we don't know what's causing climate change on this planet". Despite saying "I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that." Flip-flopper much?
Who is Mitt Romney
March 2012 was a landmark month for President Obama, where he finally achieved what so many had been attempting for so long by passing this legislation
What is HEALTH CARE REFORM! Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act // Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010
From ages 6 to 10, Barack Obama attended school in this Indonesian city
What is Jakarta
Enjoy a good Spike Lee film? Well, you would've loved to sit in on Barack and Michelle's first date, where they watched this classic
What is Do The Right Thing
Located in the Kenwood Neighborhood of Chicago, the Obama family lived in a home on this street prior to their move to D.C.
What is Greenwood
On August 19th, while speaking at an event, this congresswoman and GOP hopeful said "Before we get started, let's all say 'Happy Birthday' to Elvis Presley today." Too bad for her it was the anniversary of his death -____-
Who is Michelle Bachmann
Under the President's Job Funding, companies were given this for every new worker
What is a $5,000 tax credit
Obama announced his candidacy for the office of U.S President in this city
What is Springfield, Illinois
President Obama works hard for what he accomplishes, and he is no magician. It didn't stop him from reading every book in this series, however
What is Harry Potter