What purchase was initially called “Seward’s Folly” but they later found gold?
What law aimed to break up monopolies and regulate businesses?
Sherman Antitrust Act
What was the immediate cause of WW1?
Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
What was the event that actually caused the Great Depression?
Stock Market Crash of 1929
What event led the U.S. to enter WW2?
Bombing of Pearl Harbor?
Which historian argued that the closing of the frontier shaped American democracy/American values?
Frederick Jackson Turner
Which author wrote “The Jungle” which showed all the bad conditions that were involved in the meatpacking industry?
Upton Sinclair
What was intercepted that made the U.S. join WW1?
Zimmerman telegram
What were the 3 R’s of the New Deal?
Relief Reform Recovery
What did the US do to avoid heavily fortified Japanese structures and get around them?
Island Hopping
What policy from the US allowed them to keep trading rights with China so they could be involved with European activities?
Open Door Policy
What term describes journalists who exposed corruption and societal inequality.
Which ship was sunk by the German’s U-Boats that escalated tensions for the US and increased their chance of joining?
Which program actually gave jobs for building infrastructure during FDR’s New Deal?
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
What project developed the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Manhattan Project
Who argued for a strong navy, and wrote the book, “Influence of Sea Power Upon History”
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Which amendment allowed for US senators to be directly elected?
17th amendment
What treaty officially ended WW1 and imposed harsh penalties on Germany?
Treaty of Versailles
Shantytowns during the Great Depression were named after which president?
Which court case was between a Japanese American for internment camps with the US?
Korematsu v. United States
Which amendment from the US allowed them to mess with Cuba’s affairs IF their economic stability was ruined?
Platt Amendment
What movement led to the creation of NAACP to secure rights for Black Americans?
Niagara Movement
What international organization did Wilson wanted to propose, but the U.S. never joined?
League of Nations
What does the D in FDR stand for?
What program provided economic aid to European nations to prevent the spread of communism?
Marshall Plan