IVV, our flagship ETF (which many of you hopefully own instead of SPY), costs how much?
3 bps
Our fearless leader, Ravi Goutam, wears many hats. In his spare time he likes to refurbish this type of motor vehicle.
This Pensions client put their assets up for rebid in the summer of 2024, and the RFP was super short and fun.
What year did BlackRock acquire BGI?
What is the name of the internet's favorite hippo? (If you haven't seen this, you should research.)
Moo Deng
What was the fastest ETF to 10 billion in iShares history?
There are two people on the team that can solve a Rubik's Cube in under 2 minutes - Who? (If time permits, they will face off)
Scott & Luke
Name the firm's largest index client. Bonus points for knowing what the acronym stands for.
Who was the U.S. President when the first BlackRock ETF was launched?
Bill Clinton
What % of our DC clients utilize Sec Lending?
One member of our team speaks 3 languages (4 if you're being generous). Who is it?
How many account reviews has the Index team presented on in 2024? (Ballpark answer is acceptable)
What was the date that BlackRock listed on NYSE?
BlackRock was recently mentioned in a 2024 HBO series. What was it?
Ho many SMA's does Aperio Manage? (Hint: Alot)
Matt & Brian both attended Holy Cross, which is located in the second largest city in New England. What is that City?
Worcester, MA
Who is the largest FOHFE Index client? (If you do not work on FOHFE and can answer what the acronym is, you get extra brownie points)
What year did iShares cross $1T?
I am sure you all have heard of Ravi's Fleet Week boat. The boat has a storied history. It was at one point owned by a U.S. President, and then later sold to a World Famous Rockstar. Who are the two?
FDR & Elvis
What iShares ETF has had the highest total return in 2024?
iShares U.S. Insurance ETF (IAK) - +29.7%
During, Luke Stephens' college life, he worked for his school's football team. What school was this? Bonus points if you get who their Quarterback was at the time.
USC / Matt Barkley
There is a Central Bank that has in their contract with us that we are required to give them a monthly Macro update. What central bank is this?
Central Bank of Colombia
What were the two other companies that went public on the same day as BlackRock?
WWE & Martha Stewart
When iShares Flagship Fixed Income ETF (AGG) launched in September 2003, what song was top of the Billboard Hot 100 List?
Crazy In Love: Beyoncé Feat. Jay Z