What is the world's largest island?
Which year did Christopher Colombus sail to America?
Which amendment allows for freedom of speech?
Amendment 1
To grin from ear to ear
To have a big smile
(When she saw her birthday cake she grinned from ear to ear)
What is Mr. John's favorite state in the US that he visited (besides Utah)?
What is the name of the TRENCH that is the deepest part of the ocean?
Mariana's Trench
What was the name of the ship the Christian pilgrims sailed on to get to America?
The Mayflower
Which amendment allows for the right to have guns (the right to bear arms)
Amendment 2
Out of this world
Something that is remarkable, amazing, incredible
(The food at the restaurant was out of this world)
Which city was Mr. John born in?
Where is the world's largest desert?
What is the name of the first colony that arrived in America in the year 1607?
Jamestown, Virginia
Which amendment allowed for women to have the right to vote?
Amendment 19
Out of pocket
To pay for something yourself (not being paid by a company or school)
(The teachers had to pay for pencils out of pocket)
After Tajik and Farsi, which language does Mr. John want to learn?
Which country has the most active volcanos?
The United States (NOT INDONESIA)
USA = 173 (161 active)
Russia = 166 (29 active)
Indonesia = 139 (76 active)
What was the Louisiana Purchase?
The name of the land purchase that Thomas Jefferson did to get a lot of land for the USA
What are the first three words of the US Constitution?
"We the People" (in order to form a more perfect union)
To break the bank
To do an activity which costs too much money
(I can't go traveling anywhere that's gonna break the bank)
Which university did Mr. John go to?
Brigham Young University (BYU)
What is the largest reef in the world and where is it located?
The Great Barrier Reef in Australia
What was the first state that became part of the United States?
What is an amendment?
An addition to the constitution after it was made
Salt of the earth
Someone who is trustworthy, honest, dependable
(My grandpa was not a rich man but he was really a salt of the earth kind of guy)